J-Rock, anyone?


i love x-japan. i dunno who is the best pianist, or guitarist..but x-japan's music really great. i can't find any bands (in my opinion!) are better than them. well..i've to say hide is the best guitarist i've ever came across. phewyo! i love him. ha.. jrock is cool. gackt is handsome. hahaha.. hide..well..THE BEST!
Actually, some may say that Yoshi is not "extremely" talented, or what not, one thing about him (and alot of successful people) is his drive and determination.

As mentioned before, he suffered from wrist pains, hand injuries because he practises too hard. He hard to wear a back brace and neck brace sometimes because he drums too "wildly" too.

Sadly, one of the reasons why X broke up was also because of Yoshi. He was known to be a real slave driver. Requiring the X members to practice over 10 hours a day. The extent of his "brutality" in determination is so much that Toshi, a childhood friend can become so "disgusted" by him which ultimately led to him leaving X....and the rest is history.
there's no such thing as extremely talented. beethoven is not extremely talented too he just workhard. anyway he not just talented, yoshiki is smart too. he copyrighted his own music under his own name not record company. thats why he is rich. he use brain to make money as well as music. not like other members. :)

slave driver? where you get that info from? FORUM? lol... well.. its their problem. i enjoy their song. :)

anyway yoshiki name mention in paris hilton latest book. :) i read the page myself.

paris hilton says that oone of music is like is anything by his japanese friend yoshiki.
Meisharpe said:
I can't totally say I like X Japan...cos I never hear most of their songs...so I'd rather stick to not bothering about anything first...but I agree with Mr_KeyboardMan about undiscovered talents in Singapore and stuff...I've heard some of my friends and other bands jam and perform before...I think they're not too bad...but obviously lose to X Japan...and Dir en grey...but still..they are pretty good...in my opinion of course...

lol dir en grey is nothing. uc ant compare them with xjapan. there are alot of band in sg can play die en grey song as well as they play. but none choose to play x japan song. why? hard to coordinate, drum beat to fast adn tiring, guitar solo too long, bLA BLA BLA...

anyway what jeifen say is rite. yoshiki is non-prodigy but he make no diff with those classical train pianist and those prodigy out there.

total agree with what jeifen said. :)
ya...i know u can't compare x japan and deg, but i'm comparing singapore bands with the 2 bands...x japan songs are hard to play, that i heard from one of my friend...but if practicing hard...maybe one day, someone who practice a lot of their songs could play their songs too?? i seriously don't know if that would happen...maybe by then it would be called a miracle??
sLapshock said:
slave driver? where you get that info from? FORUM? lol... well.. its their problem. i enjoy their song. :)

Actually it was in Toshi's statements given to interviewers in a Jap mag slightly after they broke up.

For fans who were there when they started, and there when they ended, it was very very sad.
sLapshock said:
lol dir en grey is nothing. uc ant compare them with xjapan. there are alot of band in sg can play die en grey song as well as they play. but none choose to play x japan song. why? hard to coordinate, drum beat to fast adn tiring, guitar solo too long, bLA BLA BLA...

Then again, there are quite a few bands who CAN play X-japan stuff....even Mr.Big, Racer X, Dream Theater stuff.

Although, the following of J-rock/pop stuff here is much less than HK, Taiwan and to an extent China.
i know some band can play dream thetre. if tehy can play DT then i think they has no problem playing x japan. i think...

but actually its quite impossible to find anyone can play songs like stab me in the back ...

anyway my band covering rose of pain in the street festival next year.
Meisharpe said:
ya...i know u can't compare x japan and deg, but i'm comparing singapore bands with the 2 bands...x japan songs are hard to play, that i heard from one of my friend...but if practicing hard...maybe one day, someone who practice a lot of their songs could play their songs too?? i seriously don't know if that would happen...maybe by then it would be called a miracle??

no problem playing xjapan song. but to cover a good xjapan song is not jsut to have those very skilled in guitar. the two guitarist must combined their ehart into one , if you know what i mean. thats make x song not easy to cover. also...... its very very hard to find anyone can sing as toshi does.
sLapshock said:
anyway my band covering rose of pain in the street festival next year.

cool...i'll go listen when i have the time next year...o's next year...dunno if have the time...but i'll try...

i know it's hard to find someone who can sing like toshi does...but that's what make each person unique, isn't it? no two people will have the same voice...lol
guitar_phreak said:
Actually, some may say that Yoshi is not "extremely" talented, or what not, one thing about him (and alot of successful people) is his drive and determination.

As mentioned before, he suffered from wrist pains, hand injuries because he practises too hard. He hard to wear a back brace and neck brace sometimes because he drums too "wildly" too.

Sadly, one of the reasons why X broke up was also because of Yoshi. He was known to be a real slave driver. Requiring the X members to practice over 10 hours a day. The extent of his "brutality" in determination is so much that Toshi, a childhood friend can become so "disgusted" by him which ultimately led to him leaving X....and the rest is history.

in my previous post i say its their problem, now i gonna say the fact that i know. maybe true?

Yoshiki attitude in band managing and music business arent so likeable by much. But thats the reason why X can go that successfull. Financial management among X members are also different. But look, Yoshiki are the one who compose and write, so he deserve to get more.

Toshi fedup pf being controlled by Yoshiki on "what to do" and hide by "what to wear". Being brainwashed by his wife who doesnt like X, and there you go Toshi announce that he leave X in september. His reason? He want to sing songs that comes from his heart, yeah, soulfull song compose by Mr. Masaya who is a leader of a japanese cult.

Tsk tsk tsk..look at toshi now. There's once time in a tv programme where he refused to admit that that is him when he was shown his picture during X era...

people change.

but still, in my opinion, Yoshiki is talented, in writing music, writing lyrics andplaying the piano. believe he is really awesome on piano. but on drums, he is okay. everyone can play like him on drums, but not everyone have the stamina to play as long as him. i mean not everyone.
I find yoshiki amazing is, after drumming so wildly, he still can go back to the piano and start playing, then drumming again. On and off both instrument. Just crazy stamina and concentration.

I think he can try to do a world record for the longest doublekick with his drum..
XJAPAN said:
I find yoshiki amazing is, after drumming so wildly, he still can go back to the piano and start playing, then drumming again. On and off both instrument. Just crazy stamina and concentration.

I think he can try to do a world record for the longest doublekick with his drum..
as long as one is trained in piano or any other classical instrument with good music foundation, playing another instrument is easy.
I beg to differ that Yoshiki is a self taught pianist. It is mentioned that his mother was a qualified piano teacher and he started playing the piano at the age of 4. I don't think a 4 year old kid can have the discipline to learn the piano on a self taught basis.

The rest is history....

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