Is it normal to be 17 but still 'gig-virgin' ?

ur time will come... better late than never!

but be sure to practice a lot.
make ur band sounds tight!
make ur music good, power!!! be it any genres.
then make ur band sounds tighter!!!
showmanship + tightness + good songs = happy listeners/lookers

ur 1st gig will be a knock out intro for ur band!!!
heys it's never too late to start, the main thing is to know where you are in terms of your musicianship and technique. by knowing that, you will be able to decide where you want to head towards, and how you are going to go about it. it helps to have a certain end goal in mind, like FGL and his album :)

there are tons of musicians out there who have never done a gig before, yet are excellent in what they do, like session players, church musicians, etc.
yep dude, thats rite. In fact I have more than enuff material to record even a dbl album (lolz) and have recorded some of them in various compilation albums previously & recently. However, in retrospect these recordings were not within the scope of my "visions" of how my songs "should be"

As such I find that even members of my own current main band Retro Groove may or may not be suitable. One things for sure, as and when I do a solo fgl album - It will include bands & ppl I have worked with or ppl I feel would contribute musically and vocally to my songs.

Oh ya ..and of course theres the bladdy cost too ... so I'm taking mytime rite now...
AzNjT -

hahahah. i know i know. thats like smethin u should never do wud. even if ur gigging or a normal performance on stage.

wyldeboon -

heyy yeahh .
i need alot alot alot of practice.
i make sure i make my first gig a f*ckin memorable one.
some ass-kickin riffs and solos with headbanging.
woohoo. should do it right.
i cant wait man .

kdash -

i feel you man . ive decided where im heading towards.
and im working towards my goal .
working real hard for now .
thanks man =)

fgl -

so ur delaying the making of ur album cuz of the cost eh ? woah .
cash is a problem when it comes to promoting ur band and shits.
i wish you all the best man . and if ur giving out free albums. please inform me . =DD
woahh . boon's band's good eh ?
wei wei.
my first gig was March this year can and im 19.

i wish you all the best for your first gig :)

hahha. great. how did it end up babe ?

ha. thanks too ! i prolly have to thank all you softies if it works out well.
my second home - S.O.F.T
Jaarvis - well cost is one thing, time & arrangement & suitable musos is another. ;)

Free album ah ? hee hee ... how about i download my "demos" and already recorded versions to myspace - foc for u all? heh? :mrgreen:

Anyways it would take a while and I am in no hurry - just wanna do 1 good album of my songs (then retire from recording). More of a personal satisfaction thing rather than commercial venture. :cool:
it is specifically gigging or can be competition?

i was nearly nearly gig virgin for whole 17 years of my life. but a month before 18th bdae, performed once for a very prestigeous competition(i was kicked out 1st round). performed just a week after making the band. haha

it is normal. definitely. do it when u want it.