iPhone is finally released

reserved 2 but the que was a killer yesterday so i'll go collect it when the crowd dies down or when the tech geeks run out of money
how to collect ah? i reserved 2 also liao.....

oh and the iphone is a pretty nifty gadget... played around with the 2g one my friend has... Tho the phone speaker ain't good so if ur thinking of using it as an alarm clock, don't bother! hahaha..

and the 2.0 mp camera takes really awesome quality pictures. \m/
Yes, in fact, I'd compare Apple to Singapore.

..uhh you know, the politikz and stuff.

control and prosper :mrgreen:
one doesn't need control in order to prosper...

anyway i'm staying off this for now, of all the things apple is, it's not a phone manufacturer. the response of the swedes and koreans is gonna be crushing

I don't think that a lot of us who would even consider splurging on an iPhone would care enough even if the call quality is less than average.

To a lot of people, the iPhone is an object of desire, thanks to its branding and excellent marketing. That's why the ubiquitous iPod is hailed as a revolutionary gadget of the 21st century, and not, for example, a Creative brand MP3 player (oh, please don't go all nationalistic on me).

So, I bet it's a lifestyle thing for most people. Something to show off to your friends, more so if they are those who go "I don't know how to use a Mac! It's so difficult!" kind of people. :mrgreen:

The Swedes and the Koreans will only make noise because they will never be the ones to produce such a sensational and over-hyped product. I bet it's purely because of pride that Nokia hasn't came out with a shameless copy of the iPhone, like how Samsung has came out with its Omnia model. Of course, partly because Nokia already has a gigantic share of the mobile phone market. But hey, isn't all this good for us consumers? These corporations will continuously strive to better each other and come out with better products to enrich our lives.

Anyway, before you guys think I am one of those over-zealous, delusional Apple nuts who thinks he is better than everybody just because he is a big fan of Macs and iPods and iPhones - nah..

I'm the type who doesn't mind waiting after the all the hype dies down, and the prices fall with it too.

I've learnt to be pragmatic with this kind of tech purchases. :cool:
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The price isn't a turn-off.

But national enslavement will not permit the use of an iPhone.

Shall review it once my brother collects his set and then decide if I should get it.
... it's a lifestyle thing for most people. Something to show off to your friends, more so if they are those who go "I don't know how to use a Mac! It's so difficult!" kind of people. :mrgreen:

Yeah this sums it up. You got thing to show off, you prosper. Don't need control.
this moment belongs to the iphone but...


...the king has not yet arrived
the iphone isnt the be all and end all of mobile phones. yeah it is half the price and three times the speed, but the battery life is halved.

phones like the samsung omnia and the htc touch have functions way superior to the iphone.

dont always buy the hype.
battery life is inevitable. iphone or not, as long as you are using 'smart' features, battery life will go down while you are using it. traditionally, phones have long standby times, and the battery only gets drained while you are making calls. if you plan to use 3G or watch video for hours, don't expect the battery to last. for all the technological advancements, you can only squeeze a certain amount of power into a given space. any more, and it's called BOMB
Yeah this sums it up. You got thing to show off, you prosper. Don't need control.
show off is one thing lah, but don't go to the extent of action bedek. the phone is supposed to add value to the person. you're supposed to be a "cool guy with a nice phone" rather than "some random ahbeng with an expensive phone" or "some random ahbeng with a modified lancer trying to look like an evo (who doesnt know how to parallel park)" :mrgreen:
..."some random ahbeng with a modified lancer trying to look like an evo (who doesnt know how to parallel park)" :mrgreen:

hahahahha ouch to that random ahbeng of yours mann.. eh sorry deviate abit ah. but anyone here has the samsung omnia? is it good in terms of features functions and whatnots?
... some random ahbeng with a modified lancer trying to look like an evo (who doesnt know how to parallel park ...
Now this is epic lol :lol:

I have to agree that HTC is better..I love the UI. But we will see the real winners when Android-based phones arrive....or don't.
i used to use a HTC Touch and the msn was buggy and i had problems sync-ing my windows live with my HTC Touch.. all my contacts showed as offline and i can't initiate any chat with them...

i just got my iphone yesterday and wtf man, no bluetooth! ok there is but u cant use it to send files to your friends :S

but the smsing with the iphone is pretty cool... i typed with hell lots of spelling errors(because its touch screen i cant press the letters properly) but the phone dictionary corrected all my spelling :D