iPhone is finally released

yups... SingTel wont be the monopoly for the 3G iPhone definitely...

Even the premium Apple resellers in Sg including the one @ Wheelock Place, EpiCentre will carry them some time after SingTel launch...

I cant wait to see Starhub's deal, but I won't expect it to be cheap :)
neuro is right - you take the cost of the product by itself, less all contracts, less all plans. Too many times I've heard people tell me the prices of stuff that are bound by contracts, eg. high-end cellphones, starhub cable tv that comes with free gifts, singnet giving away free macbooks.

I always buy handsets without any form of such bogus agreements, because I don't want to be a debtor. You sign one, you're a guaranteed source of income because a breach of contract will have you suck up to them anyway. Can you guarantee that you'll live for the 12 or 24 or 48 months?

I don't know how much the importers got it for but I'm 100% positive it wasn't more than $1K and it was without any sort of AT&T plan.

But for sure only Singtel can distribute it right?
I think they are the sole distributor for iPhone among the other networks.
For those who wants a "plan" type purchase, they can only turn to Singtel. In my opinion, they are gonna earn big bucks LOL :mrgreen:
Buy the export set is about 700SGD man, if they price at a thousand its really whacked.

BTW, the 3G one diff is that its 3G and can take vid right?
Speed of web surfing is faster and u can download emails without logging onto the wireless :)

The difference between 2G & 3G is significant, but if hackers are able to decode the version 2.0 for the 2G... Woohoo!! There will not be any difference for the 2G & 3G models except for the design wise and battery life :)
haha... noticed the reasons to avoid iPhone gotta do with anti-piracy issues?

which means we are not able to download free softwares unless we jailbreak it (which would otherwise void the warranty)... Apple is unique in the sense, when u wanna play any other formats requiring other players, u gotta download them (which means either u pay to get the original version or u jailbreak and download for free... Same thing goes for Windows based mobile... You wanna play .rmvb .mov .avi files, u still gotta download softwares like VLC, Realplayer, Quicktime etc. except that Windows allow u to download for free and install on ur mobile...

Here, we have a tradeoff - do we want free stuffs and then have lotsa bugs and spywares lingering in our programs or do we want the safe stuffs (also means expensive stuffs) which keeps us virus free (almost completely) and doesnt crash our system??

Consumers always want the best of every world, but in reality, you hardly able to come by such a deal :)
I thought Apple's launching another iTunes-esque online store that will include freeware and shareware applications for the iPhone?

It's still funny that everytime Apple launches an innovative product, others scramble to copy it or (try to) ride on the same wave.

Even in countries like Japan, where the technology in their keitais (mobile phones) are like lightyears beyond what others in the world are experiencing, Japanese are still clamoring for the 3.5G iPhone.

It's cool that Apple does not try to create that 'perfect' device that has 'everything' because they know that's not what the customer really wants, or need, and their excellent marketing makes up for more than anything.

Consumers are still slaves to the desirability effect.
Here, we have a tradeoff - do we want free stuffs and then have lotsa bugs and spywares lingering in our programs or do we want the safe stuffs (also means expensive stuffs) which keeps us virus free (almost completely) and doesnt crash our system??

Yes, in fact, I'd compare Apple to Singapore.

..uhh you know, the politikz and stuff.

control and prosper :mrgreen:

so many pple are alrdy carrying this phone.

u guys better go and ask these owners on their opinions on this costly gadget.

if possible, see if can get a feel of it.

dun get such a phone when u noe it doesn't suit u.

its like a milkman driving a bmw to deliver his milk ard.

know who u are.

know where u stand.

know what is ideally meant for u.