Intro: Robin


New member
This will be the 3rd time introducing myself... Haven't been to this forum for ages.
I'm 19 serving the army till Mar 2009.
Well, my preferances in music ranges to almost everything but mainly Metal.
But be warned, i have something against the local emos in Singapore. Hating the emos doesn't mean i hate their music. It's their outlook appearances and attitude.
There, i'm very straightforward.


check me out at this links:
wooo metal rules my man.let our music crush those emo fags(am i able to say that?).but yeah emos tend to be faggots.scene kids.they talk like they know music since...ever.haha.anyways welcome even tho its 3rd time intro-ing.
Well, they really annoy me. Apparently, they can never believe that i listen to metal if they see me on the streets... I don't dress like one. Emos, give me your best shot on what metal is. You would be surprise.
I despise their pathetic knowledge in metal and i feel the bands they listen to are such a disgrace to the metal scene. They're a bunch of disgrace people.
80% of emos are fakes. Why? Emos are tend to be people who are really emotional. And 80% of them are just trying to be an emo just because they like the fashion and style (which is, well, "I'M GONNA PUKE") and the hair! OMG! The hair! It looks like a mop that cleaners used!
What you hate doesn't mean others would feel the same way.
Please stop showing discontent with other people just because they dress up and listen to music you dislike.
Cause seriously, you're no better than them.
They did NOTHING against you, yet you're saying shit behind their backs.
Music is something universal, if you want to confine yourself to metal only; go ahead.
I'd settle with appreciating any musical piece as it is a work of art.
Apparently, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. So yes, if you don't like it, why bother to reply? Just ignore.
"They did NOTHING against you, yet you're saying shit behind their backs." - Well, i can't believe you know me so well....
No one is perfect, duh...
Godspeed64 in reality almost every metalhead has a malicious intent against emos(well the fake ones especially).this has become quite common so let it be.but generally most emos know nothig about music yet they talk like god.wouldnt that piss you if they do that to your fav music/artist/band.
metal heads believe metal head I guess.
And what you said is true.. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions..
But why bash others?
and i do enjoy metal, but it so happens that i can listen to screamo to old school rock and roll to punk to ska to hip hop.
music is universal to me. if it's nice, i'll dig it.
well aparently these emos dont dig music cause they follow what people like.i got a couple of friends id like to bash for the sake that they disgrace the name of metal.i do dig music that you have mentioned(except hip hop cause they stink).but all in all we understand what we listen to and not cause someone is listening to it then we follow like zombies.
dude, did you read what i stated? I do listen to 'emo' music at times, it's just the FASHION thing that annoys me and their weak knowledge that pisses me off when they start to talk about metal. They literally have no knowledge in it to be honest.