Intro: Rambling Librarian ("0.5" of Starfish Stories :: The Band)


New member
Hey everyone, I've heard about but only signed up today. Someone told me most people here are in the mid-20s. I'm not sure if at 37 I'm the oldest guy here :)

OK, self-intro (I didn't read any regulations against long intros... so here goes!):

1) I'm into rock guitar instrumentals (e.g. Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Steve Vai) and New Age sounding stuff (e.g. Enya, Andre Vollenweider)

2) Started on the guitar at 18 years old. More to impress the girls but soon got REALLY interested in guitars. Discovered more about electric guitars and gadgets. However, am never formally trained in music.

3) Stopped playing after NS. My guitar collected dust for almost 10+ years. Only resumed playing in 2006. When I discovered GarageBand. First ever GB track here:

4) In 2007, I re-discovered a long-lost Sec Sch mate. He also just discovered GarageBand. Sent me a track via email. I added a lead guitar to it. Sent it back. To cut a long story short, 4 months later we self-produced our music album. We didn't meet to jam nor record at a studio. Everything was done entirely using GarageBand. Then we released it online only. You might want to check it out here:

5) We decided our music wasn't too bad (my wife didn't cover her ears). Plus we didn't have to spend any money, thanks to the Internet. So we continued as a team and gave ourselves a band name. And we released our 2nd album early this year.

6) Currently working on our 3rd music album. Probably going to release it this year. All our music is released under the Creative Commons license:
Meaning, anyone is free to use, distribute, share, remix... the ONLY requirement is to credit the band in the way we state (e.g. name and URL). No payment required -- although if they decide to pay our of the goodness of their heart... ahem :)

7) In my day job I work as a librarian ( What I do for fun, I post it up at

And now you probably know why I call myself "Rambling".

OK, look forward to meeting more like-minded people at

Ivan Chew
No time to jam "live"

i m not familiar
with 'garageband' but with real band. have a try n it will stick. different feeling!!!! say u r old??? how abt me at 60???

Hi Phil, you win! :)

I've jammed in a band a few times, i.e with drummer, bassist, guitars. Yes, the feeling is different. Overall I must say I'm not that good a "live" guitarist. I have ideas in my head but need lots of takes to get the notes and sound right. So my friend and I prefer to use a software like GarageBand to record and mix our songs, on our own time. Coming together to practice is quite hard, time-wise.

But thanks for the invite to jam. I enjoyed the YouTube video, esp. this one:

Do you all practice in someone's home, converted to a studio? It looks like that from the video.
hi ivan

better taste the raw music as it comes. team work and coordination is all you got to repect. when you achieve something which you originally thought is difficult, the enjoyment in many folds. should continue with live band n record them as they are without modification.

yea to play in a band needs determination. everyboby must be commited n do his own preparetion then the outcome will b fine. just make a personal sacrifice for once a week nite.

we practice in a CC n we are all hobbyist. if you like blues rethink abt it ok???
Hey Ivan, welcome to soft! (:

You've got a cool blog and I like what you did with that Hellboy thing heh.

Enjoy your stay!

Dude, I like your Rambling Librarian blog. Welcome. Oh and trust me you are way not the oldest guy here... :-)
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Hmm... Welcome here, I guess metal's a hell lot harder to produce that most other genres which is why I can't produce shit at home. Good effort at what you're doing though.