Intro: Nora

OMG!!! you guys actually looked for it!! 8O

madness... :roll:

and i'm soooo not desperate lar.. i've got enough attention from both genders man.. :D
muchos muchos gracias Dalif_Murderdoll... but i've walked through the abandoned land before you..

maybe you shld take my hand and we'll skip along on the yellow brick road! :wink:
eh seriously... is there really a need to go around "showing off" your, eh, physical qualities? what's the point?
haha ive always wondered..

when a guy intros himself, thread doesnt even reach, what 3pages?

BUT however
when a woman tries to intro, it doesnt go less than 10pages!

enlighten me!

anyways, welcome to soft nora.
Guys/gals. As a fellow softie may i remind that you will be binded in a court of law to whateve u said/publicised/promote/ in the media. U are walking on a thin fragile line once the race/religion/extreme ideologies issues are put forward. Pls exercise discretion, religion/racial sensitivity and extreme caution of what you intend to put forward as there could be undesired implication(s). Most importantly, pls try to remember that at all times "BIG BROTHER" are watching. Havent you seen much already with last years arrests (And not to mention others...which i do want to specify too much)with regards to the racial/religious sensitivities? Pls be tactful if you intend to use the racial/religious playcard just for the fun or pun of it. James, in my opinion this thread should be lock should it persist on touching the sensitive issues surrounding race and religion. Its a pity though coz i was actually enjoying the thread until this cancerous issue came abt.
this is seriously amazing..

my nick is just something that my frenz coined up cos i 'grew up' faster than most of them (i was in a girls' school)

that nick kinda got stuck to me wherever i went.. it doesn't affect me anymore.. cos wat's in a name? i don't wanna get into a juliet quote but dammit.. 'WAT'S IN A NAME?!'

it's all meant to be a joke.. and i thought softies would have a little sense of humor and just laugh it off..

but now it's turned into a debate on racism and even stereotyping on one race.. that's just sad..

precisely with people like not proud of my race.

dude.. you don't even know me.. and i don't appreciate you putting me into some sort of category..

reading all this makes me wanna change my course of study... that was pretty out of point..

but here's something for you to try out..

don't judge till you've been in the situation
don't believe till you see it with your own eyes

i've yet to find anyone who shares those 2 'sentiments' (pun intended)

oh well..
OMG!! my post has been deleted!!
well cheers! kick out racism and keep favouritism..and any guy that wants a guys attention please PM me...i dun mind :twisted:
the next post that i delete will also mean that the poster will be banned.
soft said:
the next post that i delete will also mean that the poster will be banned.

I'm not here to lecture you, this site belongs to you...

But put a deer or goat infront of a hungry tiger or lion, what are the chances of not getting killed? If such nicks are allowed in the forum, then be prepared for backlash. Anyone can come in next with nicks like Bigdick, Bigarse, Bigcock or whatever...

Maybe she should also think about changing her nick... As the Chinese saying goes, there's always a cause to everything that happens in life. As we know too, penalizing the response to a cause, doesn't remove the cause of the probs afterall.


okok,lets just leave this thread as being friendly...

i dun want mr soft to get angry...its all fun and games but if isnt allowed then i will abide...

so yeah...WELCOME TO SOFT! hope to get to know more about u :)
i agree. maybe you should try looking for the root of the problem and not dwell on the problem itself. it's like a fight, the person who started it and the person who return it are both at fault. so it's no use just blaming the person who make such comments.
It's ok guys, we have converse in private, I think Mr SOFT will see to the necessary. Just hope nobody continues with messages that contains sexual connotations in it.

Note: We have minors in this forums.
