Intro: 3NotesAbar


New member
Hi, I'm Kelvin and i play the electric bass. 4strings preferred! Been playin awhile, not many bands in my history though. Bedroom musician :oops:
Recently, joined Asianbeat with funkbuggers. Thats about it. Peace and Happy Christmas Merry Nu Year to yall!!!!! :D
Hey so u r frm Funkburger!!
Congrats for getting top 3 in Asian Beat Final....n oso to ur guitarist for winning Best Guitarist Award!!! By the way i luv ur bass playing tht day...real funky dude!!! :wink:

My guitarist happens to be a real mean bass player at the same time! In fact i think hes funkier than me :evil: :D

Thanks for ze warm welcome guys! Party out!

woot.. u guys were friggin funkin out sentosa that nite..
clement is reallllyy talented man..
ur bass slapping..*drool*
ur drummer's shuffles..*faints*..
vocalist..nice voice & personality.. AND VERY CHIO.(attached already eh?) 8) *drools and faints*

hope to see u guys play again man...hehe

happy new year
haha...thanks man! Hope to see u at rockin resolutions 2005!!

ask her along!!! tell her fatskunks said hi! :oops: hehe
Well i'll try :)

Last night at Sentosa was our last gig. So now we're De-FunkedBuger :p
We're gonna work with a new vocalist and guitarist, due to their busy schedules. But i'm sure we're still gonna gig once in a while in the future! See u at KOVAN first!! :D
oh did the gig go?
would love to go and watch you guys but we're caught up in another countdown gig too..
twas fantastico dude... i didnt know abt this, but i was told that the crowd from the main stage came over to our small stage to watch us play, cos they put on a DJ playing house music. No motif from him, so i guess they came over to our side to catch some action. Lucky us!

But it only happened on the last 2 or so songs on our measley 6-song plan. Anyways good enough to hear some audible applause, very encouraging for one playing dance music from Moloko, Madison Gay-vernue and....Kelly Clarkson?!

Loved the amp, band, my friend Justin Ho helping out on lead and rhythm guitars

not bad crowd, not bad drinks pricing, not bad models behind the stage

hated the weather, sea vessels parking too near us very high tide coastline and incoming waves.

Time to buy cigarettes. Ciao bro, peace to you!

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