Hello! I'm Louis


New member
Hi Everyone,

My name is Louis Lam. Please to meet u.

I love all blues music... everything from Chicacgo Blues (Muddy Waters, Little Walter, Sonny Boy) to West Coast blues (Hollywood fats, George "Harmonica" Smith). Well everything in between too.

Would love to share my passion for this music with the rest of y'all!

Musician wise, I've been playing electric bass for many years, have studied upright bass playing in the blues style too (Willie Dixon, Ronnie James Weber, rockabilly slap fellas like Lee Rocker, Bill Haley stuff too).

I played bass on Smokey and the Bandits debut album, for Singapore's harmonica virtuoso Kelvin "Smokey" Ng. You can find the recording at:

SoundClick artist: Smokey and the Bandits - page with MP3 music downloads

But recently I've picked up harmonica (both diatonic and chromatic) and started to pursue music as a front person for my own band. My current band is Chicken Shack Revival, we're a pretty new band, but we have some recording of our rehearsals posted for everyone to listen to...

SoundClick artist: Chicken Shack Revival - Singapore. Blues. Jump Blues. Chicago Blues. Texas. Blues Harmonica. Electric Blues. West Coast Blue

In my own spare time (outside of work, band etc... ??sounds like i got a lot of time don't I...), I do some recording of my original composition, I also like to jam with my buddies at the Tanglin CC. Once in a while, we also hit "Blues Night" at roomful of blues! You can check out some of my original works and jam session recordings at:

SoundClick artist: Louis Lam - Singapore Blues, Electric Blues, Acoustic Blues, West Coast Blues, Chicago Blues, Blues Jam, Harmoni

Whew...that was one long intro, thanks for the time and lets talk music!




BTW heard ur sound bits ...interesting ...I played at he same Blues / Rock fest at Tanglin CC last Dec too wwith Syne of Tyme but we were the last act & missed ur set.
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hi fgl,

thanks for checking out the sound streams! wow didn't you we played on the same gig man! didn't stay long that day enough to check you guys out also. But will catch you guys the next time