Interview with MCR's Gerard Way

Guys how about more in-depth questions like...
"When you're writing the lyrics to your songs, how do you balance out using them as a tool to lash out your personal angst while still being a responsible icon for morally acceptable social behaviour for the kids?"
"Growing up, many of you were outcasts from the popular kids who never conformed to what people expected of them. And now, you're an icon for millions of teenagers around the world - the poster boy for plenty of teenaged girls. It's safe to say that liking MCR has become somewhat of a teen craze. What are your feelings on such an ironic change?"

Even if you hate them, it's posible to be a little craftier. Afterall, you don't want the fans to accuse the accusers of being unintelligent lemmings of angst and spite :P

Though I ain't really a fan of MCR, just wanna take the chance to ask an established band this:

What are the toughest things they had to go through to get themselves heard/get noticed by the labels/gig organisers, etc before they get their big break? Also, any advice for unsigned bands out there to get their music heard?

Which part of being MCR is the most difficult to deal with: Song-writing? Playing live? Filming MTVs? Or being labelled as Emo? :P
I'm no emo fan. But their current album has some tasty melodic solos and pretty catchy hooks and riffs, so don let the emo tag colored ur views on them. Black Parade is a pretty good album.
wth. He sure can. Know nothing about the band and keep criticising *yawn*.

And i really do not understand wtf is up with all the labeling thing. I believe the band have all the right to define their genre. Just like AC/DC and their Rock'n'Roll. MCR said that they are not emo, that's it. Stop labeling them.

I'm not really a fan of them. Until now, i only really like 1 of their song, is only "cancer". That's it.
Strange to hear that they consider themselves not "emo".
Always considered them the poster band for emo.
Don't know why.
OOT for a teenybit.
those fans of mcr or those who like the song Helena:

there's this video on youtube. Search Helena Sims 2. It's so great I'm telling you. I love the creator's originality in creating the storyline for that video because usually people like to make sims 2 music videos exactly like the real ones. Heck. I'll give you the link.

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