instrument destruction

well, i dun think they will use their beloved ones to smash. maybe they have 1 cheap guitar they brand it "smashing guitar" they smash, repair, then take out and smash on the next concert.

Personally, i wun do it firstly my dad tells me not to. secondly, wanna smash, smash the drums lah(not destroying the drumkits, jus playing it), guitar is for making music. thirdly, i dun have money.
Steve vai used to smash these RG 450 dx.. ones that looks like a jem7dbk.. it got repaired over and over again just to get smashed again..
Ultimate guitar wrecker is still Hendrix. He BURNT a bloody strat to kick off his performace at the woodstock festival...
i remember watching a programe on MTV...they have this "Guitars Throwing" Competition....the fellow who throws his guitar the furthest wins...haha
sometimes i wonder why guitars always have to be the victims :(

someone please grab a sledgehammer and get ready to smash a piano please!!!! haha...juz joking :P :P :P :P
well, some people feel that the "prepared piano" way of playing, where they put screws, nuts, etc. onto the grand piano strings, (john cage type of music, perhaps played by margaret leng tan) is also destroying the piano! but this is subjective lah. personally i do like those kind of music!
he could have just put the damaged les paul on the wall for display purposes, sold it to raise funds for charity (people will buy, since it's slash's after all), or, give it to me :D I'd most certainly get it repaired and restored to it's formal glory.

I'm still against smashing of instruments though. Don't think i can ever bring myself to do it.
i tink i'd probrably buy the guitars at mi guitar skol with horrible intonation and smash them, i tink thats the only time i'd ever smash a guitar....
Smashing your guitar is like killing someone. Someone who has been with you all this time, Someone who has served you faithfully and unfailingly. Someone who helped you achieved your dream. Sure, this thing doesen't have any feelings, But if you can bring yourself to destroy something which brought you so much joy and glory, Its equivilant to killing a brother.

Guitars have rights too!!!!
EFX? Linkin park did that... Rich toots... As If they were good enuff and skilled nuff' to be smashing their equipment. They need way more practice.

smash people? Ask the Clown from Slipknot... he smashed one of the spectator's face after they booed him and said the band sucked.
BlackMoo said:
EFX? Linkin park did that... Rich toots... As If they were good enuff and skilled nuff' to be smashing their equipment. They need way more practice.

smash people? Ask the Clown from Slipknot... he smashed one of the spectator's face after they booed him and said the band sucked.

now thats wad im talking abt :smt021 :supz: