Input Jack, Intonation and Drop Tuning.

HF Theory

New member
Hey guys,

I've got this old bass that has got input jack issues, need to be replaced.

Plus, there is a hint of intonation.

How much for repair such as these?

Plus, I plan to use this bass for drop tuning, Drop C Tuning, how to maintain same or slight tension like it was standard tuning? Any advice? like strings choice or gauge..

Thanks in advance guys!
Well for the input jack, last time I was quoted around 20 bucks for a replacement at TY Music. So total cost was about 60 bucks (bass setup + replacement input jack). Maybe you can go down have them take a look and then request for a quotation?

As for the neck maintenance, I'm not too sure of it myself.. Sorry!
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for drop tuning...try the new DR DDT, seems to be stable enuff to drop without string get too floppy.