Impact of Air-Con on your guitar

what happens if u leave ur cymbals and drum toms in a half soundproofed room??

1) If no one is playing, most likely there wont be any sound

2) If someone is playing with it, most likely the sound will bleed and travel outwards from the semi soundproofed room. Depending on the proximity of anyone near it or in a room around the semisoundproofed room, the frequency at which we hear the bleeding, will definitely be lower impact, compared to direetly outside the semisoundproofed room. Sound of cymbal will be most obvious cos its of higher frequency compared to the toms

3) It will tarnish if no maintainance is done

4) If the door is not lock, someone might sneak in and play with it.

5) If the room has not been tidy up properly and happen to be staying with parents who might need to clean the room, they might complain of its messy state and the occassional complain from neightbours who cant tolerate any banging.

Disclamier: i shall not be held responsible if after reading the above 5 points and directly/indirectly causing anyone, anything, any inconvenience. Iam, trying my best, to answer the doubt, in bold, in the most serious way. If it sound funny, do know that its totally unintentional and entirely based on the question asked.
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heh, have a merry xmas, bro! Been a while. Must use something like that to lure you out, hur hur.

Oh well, iam off to dreamland instead. Work is over, for time being.
Heh... man... busy year end lah... plus I got no new goodies to speak about leh.

Have a good Christmas and uh... make more noises! :D