I'm starting soon...

swee lee sells roland cubes. any idea if u are going to use amp distortion or pedals? ok scrap that. get the roland. perfect for beginners. around $500 i think?
nop , the only cube distribuitor in singapore is sweelee.
or u may wanna check out the vox series amps , they are pretty good too.

Get a second hand strat.. anymake..
Get a cheap amp... anymake

Spend no more that 1k..

Keep the other 1k.. get a good guitar teacher...

More milieage I feel...

You can start getting nicer toys once you understand how to play better.. You'll never stop spending.... heh..
I went to Davis, Guitar77 and Music Theme just now, with a friend who plays the... classical guitar... and I got some inspiration (to add on to my stockpile of it).

At Davis, He chickened out trying the electric cos of the number of people watching him. lol

At Music Theme (I hate the salesman,) the guy asked if we were interested in buying the guitar if we were going to try it. He said no when I said I was only buying in October (what a big ****)

At Guitar77, the salesman was very kind. His name was Rui or something. Told me go get me good streaming grades, then when I come back, he'll hook me up with a great Les Paul.

LP BFG $1400

The LPs were heavy... BUT THEY ROCK!!!
I'm definitely gonna get one of these axes!

Off topic: just a joke. At music theme, my friend asked "How much?" The sales person replied "3" Then he said "3 bucks only ah? Cheap sia!"

He really pissed the guy off lol