if it doesnt twang, it's not a telecaster

DEY! Can you play or not ah!?!

Gotch tele, television, or one-half eyed vision so what ah? At the end of the day ah, can your brain tell your fingers to play what your heart actually wants your bollocks to say right??


Gotch the guitar? Gotch the strings? Gotch the pickups? Gotch the amps and the cabs? So what lah dey! Gotch twang? Err ... how much twang ah?
This much - [uses middle finger BUTTTTTT only for extra length emphasis].

Just play the geetar lah! Any serious dude doesn't really care what you use! A long as it sounds good and it's from your heart - that's what counts!

Sorry ah, I joke but a bit rough ah. But hopefully you gotch my non-backside drift ah - just play the geetar and make beautiful music lah.
let's talk about Jim Root telecaster.

two EMG. absolutely without any twang.

pure metal guitar in a tele package.
Why don't you google up the Telecaster Forum?

I was there a couple days back - lots and LOTS of good information.

They talk about all kinds of teles - the Jim Root sig is no exception. Some one there mention it had a little tele-like-ness when using the middle position.

I'm sure you'd get some good insight from the gentlemen there.

The world famous tele forum: www.tdpri.com
Tonnes of info there!

Oh, also do check out Roy Buchanan...early pioneer of pinched harmonics, volume swells, and famous tele user!

Here's him doing a cover of The Venture's song (lots of twang on this one :p): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc6ePrq-7Ts

On another note, if teles are known for its twang, then how do you define Gretsches' sound? :confused:
heh, its going in the way of tpdri forum.

Talking bout tele without going there at least once, is like talking bout angst but not reading the powerjam 2008 thread!

the partners i loved before, all said the same thing, the twang came from within my pants. Iam not sure though, this what they say

i am sure you bro, rork, is like me, like the many others, we twang from within pants, no need to buy

how, can?
Pathin... you... twang?

That's such a let down.

I'd thought you crush... boom... slam... disintegrate... pulverise... METAL-ise... chuggatise... SHREDITISE... improvise... synchronise... make noise...

All you do is twang.

*saddened I am | am I saddened*
ok, i know this is wrong, but for standing up for ourself in time of doubt, this i say

shreddy, for you only, i chugga, i thunder strike, i sledge hammered, i grind, i pound and i leave no ground untouch, nor sense of peace in everyway you can

for the rest, , yes, i twang! More twang then taiji zhang san feng!
twangs shreddy!! I mean thanks!

Need to get some sleep now, to get ready for more action in the powerjam thread. Till then, yes, twang on.

heh, oh, will we see the next development in the form of strat quack?
ya, i came by Tdpri forum before, doesnt know a ton what it's about.
not really much a techy guiy,mahogany,ash alder body??:confused: always scratch my head.brass saddles, 4 ways:confused::confused:

as a left handed guitarist not much of a choice either, however purchase my first set of MIM tele from US... wow i am hook to it and the sound. ( though i know the parts should be quite crappy, but the neck feels so comfortable
at least now then i know i am comfortable with nut size of 42mm. :mrgreen:

so i am going to purchase a second set of tele..
i am thinking of purchasing a second set of it( MIM or MIA).. and installed EMG 81/85 for metalisestasy.

still seraching through ebay..

wish me luck.

should have got from elias his tele and mod! pity it's sold