I wanna change sound engineer... possible?

well, i do have a pair of u87, the akg414, pair of shoeps w 4 capsules(2xbi-directional n 2xomni), the shure drum kits mics Beta 52, 91s, 81s, some good condenser like the neuman km 184 as well n other series of akg too..
but i remember paying like close to 15 k for them...
ok fair enough

n software like nuendo, cubase n some plug-ins cost u at least 10 k?
some friends has full tdm plug-in n he pay like 7k for them n DAT IS TDM PLUG-INS we talking about.. not vst... hehe..
well, i do noe how much ur nuendo or cubase or waves thingy cost.. hehe
n i wonder y do u wanna have cubase n nuendo at the same time..hehe

musical instruments, i would say... 5 k.. u get pretty good instruments..

couple of mic pres, dynamic processors n effects ( n i am talking abt these dbx, drawmers, focusrite, submit, eventide, lexicon... 20k..

renovation.. gv u a priviledge if u have a big place... having all the floor lifted n all dat... 25 k...

a console, letz say... the sony dmx digital console 22k..

shit in n shit out itz less than 100k dude... with all these equipments, i will fly in my control room bro... hehehe

bernardgoh said:
Hi dude, i got a u87, couple of 414, re-20, couple of rodes nt series and ofcause sm57 & 58. for software, i'm running on nuendo ver 2, waves diamond, cubase sx 3 and all other plugs. i'm just saying software cost me 10 - 20k not 20k and over. updating my nuendo soon. :) don't forget, recording equipments is only part of its. there's still musical instruments. always remember SHIT IN, SHIT OUT. if you don't get the proper sound in your starting stages. nobody can help you in the mixdown. unless there's something call the "BETTER SOUND" plug in. :P

molecules_sx said:
yo bernard.... wat mic do u use mann... the most expensive mic i've ever used is the soundfield wic have 4 capsules n u can control these capsules via a protocol of rs 232.. n yeah dat cost 20k... n the range of the most expensive mic like the neuman, will cost an average of 10k..
n software alone 20k..?
wat u have full range of those native instrument, spectrasonics, plugsound n all dat softsynths..
also those waves plug in n all dat...
the most expensive plugin in town is those waves... the diamond bundle is 2500 bucks..
wow.. ur evaluation of 20 k for software.. is kinda weird dude.. coz if i put everything together.. with all the pro software.. it wun cost dat much...
n yeah is all software original or juz from limewire dudes.. hehehe

unless u talking abt u using a tdm or hd system for protools.. mabye a core system would cost a good 15k.. n a hd.. at least full configuration is 50k..

wat i am saying or pointing out is.. DO U NEED A 200K TO PRODUCE A QUALITY SOUND..?
common, lets face it guys..
couple of dbx, some good preamps.. good eventide.. n all dat would be cool...
oh well, i wun wanna debate more on this... so be it if u guys think otherwise..
have fun dudes... hehehe
soft said:
molecules_sx said:
the most expensive mic i've ever used is the soundfield wic have 4 capsules n u can control these capsules via a protocol of rs 232.. n yeah dat cost 20k...

wow! what did you use that mic for?

for surround recording an orchestra in some big concerthall..!!
awww mr mikeman.. so i am the bad one now?... hehhe
i came down on u for the thing u say abt local studio n engineers...
recall this dude...

(In SG, most recording is done in digital format, and plenty of studios uses low cost equipment (less than $200K setup). So the quality wise we cannot expect much. Also really good skilled engineer is actually far and few....)

dun ever let any other member of AES see this dude...

watz wrong with digital recording?
1. u still listening to records n casette tapes n u hate to hear music from cd?
2. do u realise the whole frequency response of those tdm or hd plug-ins ..?
3. do u realise how much u can manipulate n inverse ur creativity mix down on digital where u have to compromise on analog..
4. generation loss
n lots lots more...
of coz some really nice analog tube pre is the bonus for all engineer...datz for sure...

so jus those studio who has a 200k setup are the good ones..?
with a 100k, lots can definitely make u flipped on ur chair bro..

Also really good skilled engineer is actually far and few..?
hmmm, we do have our association n circle in this industries.. n u noe how many of us... i would say tons bro... not forgetting those whose really good n nt within the circle...!!

u want forumers to decide.... i would say, dun get the industry ppl go down on u bro...

n yeah wat would u do if u gtg for an interview.. u need to convince them n make them believe u..
n how u do dat...? u market n sell urself if i have to use this term ..
n yeah i am proud for wat i am n where i stand in this industry now..

u saying u trying to help out forumer with dat little knowledge u have ..?
yeah u did dat... n on top of dat ..
u gave crappy remarks abt the whole industry too...
n yeah not forgetting being such a wet blanket, bringing them down with ur sad stories not to open a jamming studio..
want me to cut n paste n place it in this forum as well?

mikemann said:
molecules_sx said:
yo mikeman.... i've seen ur website dude... well, mabye u juz provide a place for practise session....
but i guess u dun noe much abt sound dude.. n making a remarks about sound engineer in sg or eguipment wise... doesn't make a sence at all...
how much do u noe abt the industry dude...
forgive me to say this...
but all the crap u say... plzzz save it....!!!

Mr Molecules,

Everyone has their own opinion. Yours I observed is very closed one. Yes, I'm newbie in this industry. Yes, unlike you I am illerterate in audio field. Yes, I am not a 'qualified' audio engineer at all.

BUT....NO, I do not run my mouth about how 'fantastic' I am. NO, I do not invite flaming from other forumers. Yes, I try as best my limited knowledge to help the fellow forumer, by giving constructive comments. Yes, what I do is what comes from my heart and feeling, with no expectation of returns.

I believe many fellow forumers will agree with me, that it's comments like yours which give good audio engineers a bad reputation.

When I said 200K, I meant a full setup, including complete band recording kind + studio room building renovations. Not just to a voice booth kind.

If based on what you said, you expect me to "....save it". I will let our fellow forummers to decide.

(Sorry, James. I feel I have to at least reply once.)
Seem like most people here are trying to keep themselves in the industry or trying to boast their names here...Some will know how much these equipment cost so if they don't cost so much better don't 'haolian' man...its good to advise people not to fall into business traps, but stopping others to get into the share of your pie!!? don't do it so obvious lah...
wow.... 7k for full tdm plugin. what is full tdm? means every single tdm plugin you can find in the market? for the mics you got. is really impress me man. would really like to meet up with you and see the shoeps mics you are talking about. :) for the software, Nuendo is for my video post and cubase is mainly use for midi and music production. :) so what are you doing now? doing recording for a living? musical instrument for 5k? my drums itself cost 4k plus..... i got a primier genis star import from england. just the kick and toms alone. maybe you can find out how much it cost in sweelee. :) do let me know whether can we meet up and see your shoeps mic. :) really impressive.

molecules_sx said:
well, i do have a pair of u87, the akg414, pair of shoeps w 4 capsules(2xbi-directional n 2xomni), the shure drum kits mics Beta 52, 91s, 81s, some good condenser like the neuman km 184 as well n other series of akg too..
but i remember paying like close to 15 k for them...
ok fair enough

n software like nuendo, cubase n some plug-ins cost u at least 10 k?
some friends has full tdm plug-in n he pay like 7k for them n DAT IS TDM PLUG-INS we talking about.. not vst... hehe..
well, i do noe how much ur nuendo or cubase or waves thingy cost.. hehe
n i wonder y do u wanna have cubase n nuendo at the same time..hehe

musical instruments, i would say... 5 k.. u get pretty good instruments..

couple of mic pres, dynamic processors n effects ( n i am talking abt these dbx, drawmers, focusrite, submit, eventide, lexicon... 20k..

renovation.. gv u a priviledge if u have a big place... having all the floor lifted n all dat... 25 k...

a console, letz say... the sony dmx digital console 22k..

shit in n shit out itz less than 100k dude... with all these equipments, i will fly in my control room bro... hehehe

bernardgoh said:
Hi dude, i got a u87, couple of 414, re-20, couple of rodes nt series and ofcause sm57 & 58. for software, i'm running on nuendo ver 2, waves diamond, cubase sx 3 and all other plugs. i'm just saying software cost me 10 - 20k not 20k and over. updating my nuendo soon. :) don't forget, recording equipments is only part of its. there's still musical instruments. always remember SHIT IN, SHIT OUT. if you don't get the proper sound in your starting stages. nobody can help you in the mixdown. unless there's something call the "BETTER SOUND" plug in. :P

molecules_sx said:
yo bernard.... wat mic do u use mann... the most expensive mic i've ever used is the soundfield wic have 4 capsules n u can control these capsules via a protocol of rs 232.. n yeah dat cost 20k... n the range of the most expensive mic like the neuman, will cost an average of 10k..
n software alone 20k..?
wat u have full range of those native instrument, spectrasonics, plugsound n all dat softsynths..
also those waves plug in n all dat...
the most expensive plugin in town is those waves... the diamond bundle is 2500 bucks..
wow.. ur evaluation of 20 k for software.. is kinda weird dude.. coz if i put everything together.. with all the pro software.. it wun cost dat much...
n yeah is all software original or juz from limewire dudes.. hehehe

unless u talking abt u using a tdm or hd system for protools.. mabye a core system would cost a good 15k.. n a hd.. at least full configuration is 50k..

wat i am saying or pointing out is.. DO U NEED A 200K TO PRODUCE A QUALITY SOUND..?
common, lets face it guys..
couple of dbx, some good preamps.. good eventide.. n all dat would be cool...
oh well, i wun wanna debate more on this... so be it if u guys think otherwise..
have fun dudes... hehehe
molecules_sx said: Also really good skilled engineer is actually far and few..?
hmmm, we do have our association n circle in this industries.. n u noe how many of us... i would say tons bro... not forgetting those whose really good n nt within the circle...!!

hmm nice fact..
wat are those tons of engineer doing now in Singapore? working under the table? i mean working for a company? which studio? advertising? media? where? wat did they all do? they produce wat? they record for people? and specify wat industry is dat u r talking about?

by the way..in singapore do we realli use plug-ins all the time? wat plug-ins and for wat purpose? u in the circle/industry rite? circle circle? juz tot u might know..coz i dunno

so u use that mic for surround recording for the orchestra..hmm good..that mic alone?

by the way u have a studio? where is your studio?
bernardgoh said:
wow.... 7k for full tdm plugin. what is full tdm? means every single tdm plugin you can find in the market? for the mics you got. is really impress me man. would really like to meet up with you and see the shoeps mics you are talking about. :) for the software, Nuendo is for my video post and cubase is mainly use for midi and music production. :) so what are you doing now? doing recording for a living? musical instrument for 5k? my drums itself cost 4k plus..... i got a primier genis star import from england. just the kick and toms alone. maybe you can find out how much it cost in sweelee. :) do let me know whether can we meet up and see your shoeps mic. :) really impressive.

oh yeah dude.. we can meet of coz.. no worries.. i would gladly shows u the shoeps mic, juz leave me ur number... yeah i do run my own recording studio.. n on n off i will go to australia working freelance with jands n in japan at live house..
very rarely i am doing things in singapore now, juz focusing myself in my own hut..
i kinda teaching freelance as well...
so where is ur studio anyway... mind i take a peep to ur wonderful drums too?
well, when i say within the circle, i refer as really the main players n have make it in the industries... in regards to be it the live sound or studio recordings or even broadcasting....
we all know one another... n most of the time, there is always a chance dat we happens to work together as well...
n we do hang out sometime for drinks n meet up at seminars n all dat..
u willl noe wat i'm talking about if u manage to break into the industries one day..

anyway, using plug-in is subjective.. itz all depends on the user itself..
plug-in can be for anything dude.... like dynamic processing or effects.. it juz works like hardware.. n some does have their parameters that is really responsive..

no dudes... it depends how big n how wide the orchestra is.. of course there is a reinforcement of mics... it depends on alot of factors..

well, u can leave me ur number if u wanna have a visit to my studio bro..!!

audio said:
molecules_sx said: Also really good skilled engineer is actually far and few..?
hmmm, we do have our association n circle in this industries.. n u noe how many of us... i would say tons bro... not forgetting those whose really good n nt within the circle...!!

hmm nice fact..
wat are those tons of engineer doing now in Singapore? working under the table? i mean working for a company? which studio? advertising? media? where? wat did they all do? they produce wat? they record for people? and specify wat industry is dat u r talking about?

by the way..in singapore do we realli use plug-ins all the time? wat plug-ins and for wat purpose? u in the circle/industry rite? circle circle? juz tot u might know..coz i dunno

so u use that mic for surround recording for the orchestra..hmm good..that mic alone?

by the way u have a studio? where is your studio?
This is a thread is now just about two guys just trying to outdo each other in terms of gear and knowledge, masked behind thinly veiled diplomacy....
But at least I have heard stuff from Musiczone.....
mm.... seem like the more i talk, the more i try to show off. :X better stop posting in this tread now before more people hate me. :) :wink:
Having the best equipment will benefit the quality of the sound, but knowing to use it is another thing....If you are a engineer, getting a guitar sound of a marshall jcm from a good pre-amp is acheiveable....making a 5 ply birch sound like a 7 ply maple drumset is acheiveable also..no perfectly though...What i am trying to say is, if you are a engineer...that is your job...I have heard recordings coming from a indon made drumset with laney amps and sm58s, it sounded much better than stuff from the bigger studios in town.....no offences to anyone...just happen for me to know...
Yo molecules....i agree wit you.mikemann is full of crap and its becoz of these people that the industry is turning bad man.

Im an engineer myself for over 11yrs doing both live and studio workz.You dont need 200k even 50k.Industry standard equiptment and a good experience engineer should do the trick.

I have done albums and post production in a home studio enviroment!of course with protools running on G4 dual processor,lotsa plugins,wavelab,neuman u87,tc electronic finalizer,ns-10/genelec monitors,properly acoustic treated room.....under 20K.
Yo molecules....i agree wit you.mikemann is full of crap and its becoz of these people that the industry is turning bad man.

as i read, i think that's the most hurtful comments tt anyone's made.

btw, i'm not close to mikemann/sth...just that...i've seen his other posts, and it does help, and i believe that he does it out of goodwill(correct me if i'm wrong). A lot of people, like myself, try to help out softies with our own instinct, experience and little knowledge we have. We may not be classified as 'qualified' people, but we just speak what we know of, and we try to do our best to help or inform others.

well, molecules_sx, not trying to flame you here, i believe that mikemann is not trying to hurt/damage the current market. He's making a judged assumption, and as he's said himself, he's a newbie in the field. Just like any other consumer who's done a little research, we may come up with the assumption which mikemann came to.

The thing is, professionals with experience may get hardware/software at a cheaper price than what is on retail, and we may not be fully versed in terms of prices/quality of hardware as well. Well, the way i saw it, there was a chance for someone like you, or finalmix, to actually clarify the matter, and in the process, put better exposure onto the industry itself. However, the perception that i'd gotten is that the industry in Singapore itself is a self-appraised, very over-protective, almost xenophobic yet very knowledgeable. However, this is MY perceptive, and i know, that it may not be what the current status of the industry itself is.

Well, it'd be nice if the more experienced softies in this field can share with us what goes on within a recording studio itself, the pros and the cons, and stuff, thus, we'd be able to better appreciate the hardwork and actually the quality of the sound engineers in Singapore. Who knows, a band or two in the future may make it big, and turn to you guys to record instead of overseas engineers.

A lot of people are interested in audio engineering, and i think it' be great if you guys can share career prospects and tips and bits on how to make it as an audio engineer.

Just like the issue on jamming studio being too costly and some are 'barren' and lacking in terms of gears/ambience, with the input by studio owners and others alike, i believe that we're much better off now, with less complaints and stuff.

All in all, let's keep this place a peaceful one, a positive one, and a place where we can grow, and of course, to have a network of people we can approach to when we're in need. Cheers and peace. God Bless You!

*p.s. my post wasn't intended to hurt anyone, and if you feel that you've been hurt in the process, do p.m me and i apologise beforehand for that.
lhang said:
I have recorded some stuff with a certain sound engineer but am dissatisfied with his (lack of) proffessionalism and skills. Hence, is it possible for me to change engineer/studio?

will certain guitar effects, plug-ins that have been used be affected? Can i still preserve those if i were to change sound engineer?
Basically will i be able to keep all that has been done and transfer my recorded stuff as it is now to the new place? Or do I have to start mixing the music from scratch?

Woah looks like the thread has diverted quite a bit. Please come on down to Soundmix Productions Studios.

My chief engineer has been in this line for 15 years, starting off as a trainee. Back in those days, they didnt have digital delays so they used the old fashioned way of two tapes and mathemactical calculations. He has mixed over a 100 albums with some winning awards in Malaysia. His clients include Search, Wings and Sheila Majid just to name only a few. And he is contracted by Song BMG to mix albums.

I am not too sure if we can salvage what u have on ur hands, but just show us what format he gave u in. You have the right to demand whatever tracks you recorded with him cos its a service.

We are most glad to help in whatever way we can, so come on down to discuss with us.

My address is at 282A Jalan Besar #02-00. Or mail me at d_junkay@hotmail.com for a map.

finalmix: I cannot believe that you are reviving such an old tread which I had already abandoned before it went halfway. I suspect that either you have some agenda against me (since I am not involved for most part of the flaming). Or you are in fact molecules_sx in another disguise. I believe in forum etiquette, thus when a forum degenerates into kiddy talks, I don't get involved anymore. So I am only answering to your accusation once. Again I always put forward a point, if a person "just started posting" in a forum and start bad mouthing others, that person is not at all credible, especially on the internet.

mulyadi: Thanks for being a neutral party and stand up for a fellow softie.

Soundmixpro: Heehee..... This tread is already quite old, I think the poster should have found his solution by now. Anyway, this tread already reeks real badly already, not really a good idea......heehee Good luck to your business. Best wishes.
To mikemann...First and foremost,im not molucules.
piece of advice....if you dont know what you talking about or know nuts about stuff in recording as you have admitted to it...i suggest you keep it to yourself.
Its the fact that what you said is crap.And the kids talk is you.

You said i've got no credibility being new here?...i guess wit you doing fulltime or running your own business dealing wit computer stuffs everyday and a jamming studio at the back of your office just to make the extra cash,makes you have the credibitlty in studioworks huh?

Mikemann...mikemann,actually you are the one whose bad mouthing not me alone but the whole industry!Take a deep breath and think for once.

Not being an enemy.
Wah lau eh.. how is the industry going to be good?? :cry:

Even the sound engineers are having are catfight?? What will it take for all of us to settle down?? A can of Friskies maybe??

Instead of arguing, why not share? :wink:
Sigh.... shred5, what to do??? Seems like I can't defend the name of sound engineers in general in Spore. You can go thru the entire tread, and see how degenerate it is.

When I am attacked, it's the same story. "how are you in anyway anything close to a sound engineer since you operate a computer centre in front and have a jamming studio behind, and a electronics workshop in between". It's basically meaning "mike, you are a chap pa lang kind of guy, so you are qualified for nothing at all. So you cannot speak in any capacity on this topic."

It seems that the only "qualified" are those who have some form of "formal training an cert". Only they have the right to give (stinging) comments and curt remarks.

I am not a flashy kind of person, I only got one expectation, as long as one can deliver, I don't care if he does not even have primary education. That's the way I work.

Honestly, I have already disclosed before, and I am always proud to say. I entered the music industry only about under 3yrs back. I do not play any instrument musically, I dont have any formal training in sound engineering and I am in it mainly for one thing, to make a living (money lah). My forte is in using my hands on electronic stuffs, mainly to diagnose, repair and understand how the actual functionings comes about. So I only take on jobs which I have confident in producing the result.

It's not easy to survive in singapore, one has to multi-task to make ends meet. If you are employed, you are expected to do 2-3 person work. Same I am self-employed, so I have being juggling between a few business roles just to pay the rent and bring home the bread, if not how to survive.

As I am a hands-on person, I pick up what I know on the job, sometime without guidiance, so somethings I am doing my own way. Thus if I can, I'd share with others what I have picked up the hard way. So far, I have done a number of live sound events, which my customers have being satisfied and supportive of my business. I believe that a number of more established players went thru the same rough path as well, these are respectable.

So you see, being honest and to be attacked for being honest. Lucky I come from the computer industry, learnt to take these attacks with stride. Cause I believe if I am standing in the light, not the dark, I will generally be better off.

I guess I have said my peace on this entire tread, and I am at peace with myself, thats most important IMO. Don't worry, I will still provide assistance and advise where needed. Like we said, for the general good, there is no room for pettiness.
Hiya guys!

Chilli out!

Diff ppl take diff roads to the final destination but as long as they reach, it's okz!

Mikemann was just trying to share his road, so are the rest of the ppl around here.


But I guess most of us are just trying to find our way ard the messy and expensive path of recording. So many things to learn, so expensive and no ppl to teach us except for SAE or the school of life and hard knocks =P

Just hope that all the experts will continue to share their expertise!

Btw i'm trying to set up a recording studio for my university. Will need advice soon! Especially on equipment etc.
