Work slowly, it took me 8 months to shred. Play new licks very slowly, then work up speed. its all about finger muscle memory. Don't continue when you're tried, maybe just slowly.

my gawd 8 months? ive practised my balls off since like january and my fastest is only a not so awesome sounding sweet child o mine solo. >_<
pah, mine aint perfect either, mistakes happen quite often but i'll call it passable. Don't work on hard rock stuff lah, wanna get fast quick. play metal!
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oooh, got any song reccomendations to start out with? stuff that i can prolly play with some practise in like few weeks not like a year :D hehe thnaks
eh dhalif , i;ve been reading your posts , perhaps you should sound lesss arrogant , leave peoples music tastes to them . its a personal thing anway . if your here to put people down i suggest you look at the real world , some of these people you might offend could one day be your potential boss , im sure they wont go easy on you , i know i wont
walau zax u r a freaking spoilt rich kid from sps stop screwin wit ppl lah...it is freaking annoyin lah,we know ur guitars r power but dun need to extra lah,dun need to say ppl's equipment sucks...i know u r freaking spoilt...ppl may not b as well of as u r...u also pls dun sound arrogant...u r also puttin ppl down by sayin that ur gear rules over other ppl's...dhalif is a great guitarist and he knows wad he is tokin about

your guitar may b able to "kill" his guitar...but can ur skills kill his?
har? lol wasnt even suppose to put down people lol funny lah you zax. ok loh your guitar kill my guitar also i dun care :D grow up. and when did i ever sound arrogant? i teach licks i arrogant meh? lol you've been reading my posts for how long? 1-2 days? ffs u joined september 2007. u think i arrogant ah post all the lessons on soft? ok loh then i STOP.. everyone go thank zax for spoiling ANOTHER thread on soft. fucking idiot. rich people rule the world right?. kthxbye.
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woah warzone again o.0, ok now after all the blasting where moiiixxx sonnGGgg`` ReeecCommenndaaTiionn too0 TrYyy WhooRRxx
yy what exactly is ur long term goal?there are no shortcuts..u need to practice ..practice.
even if it means 30mins daily,start by finger exercise,like scales,modes ..things like that..

there are a lot of resource on the net for that sort of things nowadays if u wanna go self taught..else get a teacher that can relate to u..and spot ur bad habits..

like i said ,is there any particlular song ,solo that u tying to nail right now???
just wanna try to understand...i hope ur not trying to be like michael angelo..hehe :)
dont get pissed with me , i just hate it when people like dhalif tell other people that they're taste in music is useless ,people like you always think the world of yourselves just because you teach guitar and all .
khuakana , you misunderstood me . i dont spoil posts , i correct them cause i hate people who like to cheat others and/or put them down .

and yes money makes the world go round , but i dont have much of it , YET
oooh, got any song reccomendations to start out with? stuff that i can prolly play with some practise in like few weeks not like a year :D hehe thnaks

haha, work on something like master of puppets, and read dhalif's learn a lick per week thread. Thats good shit(its not shit, just an expression), then play the same lick over and over and over again until your finger muscles practically memorize the whole thing, so that you don't have to think what note to hit after your current one.
nolah.. dont get me wrong man.. im not saying anything in technical aspects.. im talking about $$$. lol u know.. u could see a club player.. old chap playing christina aguilera songs.. i can bet you he used to learn all these stuff lol.. but for the sake of $$$.. we all have to do this dont we?