i got literally friggin' ROBBED ! :(

Too many parang cases.. A friend of mine saw his neighbour's hand being chopped off at east point.. Literally the whole wrist on the ground..

My best friend got beaten up near my block.. Guy whacked him with nails in between his fingers.. The ass was high.. My friend was unrecognizable, was in ICU for a month plus.. And had to skip 'O' Levels for the year.. Just cause the ass was high..

And my Quiksilver slippers were stolen at a MOSQUE.. Not that i purposely wore those.. Had no choice cause i was out..
something similar happened to my friend before.
there was this indian dude who claims he's from 369 and he snatched my friend wallet when my friend was drunk.then that indian said 'exchange your handphone for the wallet',my friend just kicked his stomach and ran away.by the way,that indian dude is much bigger and taller than my friend.
i see our cops are doing a good job

or maybe they are busy dealing with the longest toilet break in the history of mankind
Woah! Wrist on the ground? That's scary!!! Eastpoint? Holy f*ckin' shit...

Druggies, yes, heard alot of cases, and was part of one such incident too. Horrible thing. People suffer cause of them.
no point knowing aikido judo dildo if the aggressor uses parangdo... knowing how to fight is useful when you get into a fight. it could be the difference between waking up in the ICU and death. but i think the whole point is not to get into fights. get into a gym and get buffed. you must get into the mind of the gangster: hammer scene kid = shiok
or maybe they are busy dealing with the longest toilet break in the history of mankind

eh i actually was told not to tell this to anyone but heck. my friend's maid's brother was actually one of the gurkha guards in whitley road detention camp. and he said that MS was actually killed and the whole escape was a cover up. the gurkha said he saw MS corpse with his own eyes. i choose to believe this story, coz no one can escape a high security detention camp just like that.

oh well.
how shameful. i'm a malay myself... yet i'm ashamed.for these foolish acts of our race. hope some people just don't stereotype malays as all the same as those gangsters. another sad story. my friend's PSP was stolen at the MOSQUE during friday prayers. how saddening could that me. a holy place... yet misused. what is happening to this world....
And my Quiksilver slippers were stolen at a MOSQUE.. Not that i purposely wore those.. Had no choice cause i was out..

my NO BRAND slippers got stolen 5 TIMES. at the MOSQUE also. and oh the two times i caught the person, it was the SAME GUY. songkok-wearing uncle...how saddening.
hmm it's sad really, that people these days will stoop that low to aquire what they want.. it's even more sad that some of them are repeat cases.

the world, or singapore as we know it, is slowly but surely turning to shreds. the once safe singapore is now extinct. gone are the days where one can sit on steps outside a fast food joint in the middle of the night with a buddy and have a great chat without having to worry about some other buggers waiting to pounce on them.

makes me sad for sg... but then again, i'm comforted by the fact that, we do have a judical system that is just and fair. and should they be aprehended, TS you know full well they'll have to do time somewhere. so i guess you might take some comfort form that, true that your stuff is gone, but be thankful for you are safe and nothing else more expensive was lost like your laptop.

but take this as a lesson that we can never take the word safe for granted

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eh i actually was told not to tell this to anyone but heck. my friend's maid's brother was actually one of the gurkha guards in whitley road detention camp. and he said that MS was actually killed and the whole escape was a cover up. the gurkha said he saw MS corpse with his own eyes. i choose to believe this story, coz no one can escape a high security detention camp just like that.

oh well.

u can get into trouble for that
not trying to be a keyboard hero but well
this is a sensitive issue
luckily we singaporeans cannot carry guns
imagine all the thugs and gangsters going all gunz blazing during rush hours ant ct hall or raffles place
if that happens
time to blast heavy metal and metal up ur arse
To all those idiots out there who want to whack them, use some goddamn common sense, drag them before the law, sue their ass penniless for psychological trauma and anything you can think of, much more satisfying.
i dont blame you or your friend

you tried ur best to save your items.

i'm not really a brave person and i would have definitely stared in shock. my friend got attacked during a street soccer match. for 20secs i was outside the court just staring in shock

be glad that you're uninjured.

if i was in your situation, maybe i would just let him take it. no balls la me

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