i got literally friggin' ROBBED ! :(

surprised to see this thread still active. haha. wow , all your stories sound kinda similar ah . my friend's bicycle got stolen by a mat last week . :( sad world.

mat's who steal are brainless poor people.
My bike got stolen last year when i locked it just outside my house.
Three days later, i found it a few blocks away, and i used a cutter to cut the stealer's chain, and i got it back.
Some thiefs are a little bit *unsmart* to say.
Lock it using the real metal chain and its safer i guess?
You all live in what, one room flats?

Can't just put your precious bicycles inside your homes meh?

Some neighbourhoods are just full of desperate Mat Yoyos, Ah Bengs and ABNNs.

If you aren't smart enough to deter crime being committed again (if it happened to you once already), then I think you deserve it lor when your stuff are stolen.

It's not that difficult to carry your bicycles across in your homes and put it down on some newspapers or something, if the tyres are constantly dirty.

You all live in what, one room flats?

Can't just put your precious bicycles inside your homes meh?

Some neighbourhoods are just full of desperate Mat Yoyos, Ah Bengs and ABNNs.

If you aren't smart enough to deter crime being committed again (if it happened to you once already), then I think you deserve it lor when your stuff are stolen.

It's not that difficult to carry your bicycles across in your homes and put it down on some newspapers or something, if the tyres are constantly dirty.


if we live in one room flats, there's ultimately no space for bicycles sir.
its up to one preference where to put it, and locking it with a real metal chain solved the problem.
These full of desperate Mat Yoyos, Ah Bengs and ABNNs as you have mentioned are the problems.
if we live in one room flats, there's ultimately no space for bicycles sir.
its up to one preference where to put it, and locking it with a real metal chain solved the problem.
These full of desperate Mat Yoyos, Ah Bengs and ABNNs as you have mentioned are the problems.

Ya lah, since you can't do anything about these losers except to report to the police, the next best thing is to prevent them from having a chance to even commit the crime lor.

Some idiots, if you chain the frame, they will just steal the wheels or the handlebars or even the freaking seat.

I'm sure you have seen those bicycles in void decks that are only left with the frame...

if i'm not wrong flamethrowers are not illegal in Singapore..

if they are then what would we do in case of a zombie outbreak?

as a drummer i guess if we're armed with drumsticks we'd have more finesse wielding them than anyone can wield a knife (unless that person has had knife training). just unleash single stroke rolls and picture every head as a tom.


checked and yes flamethrowers are illegal.

if only someone would build a high pressure mini-water gun that looks kiddy but can actually break skin and cause injury, that'll be so cool.
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Aiyah, the best is still to use your damn f*ucking brains lah.

Since you know there's a possibility that you'll be cornered and forced to part with your belongings in public places - the best thing you can do is to buy a personal keychain alarm that'll emit a very loud sound. It's so portable and effective.

I guarantee that if you have those and then you also shout "Help! Help!!" there's a really high chance these idiots will instantly turn and run upon hearing the alarm and your cries.

Last resort is to pretend to fall down on the floor and act like you are suffering from an especially frightening episode of epilepsy. Just wriggle like a fish and make funny sounds.

I bet my hamster's a*ss that they will 'blur' liao and just rush off seeing you like that on the floor.


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