how to pronounce Les Paul?

hehehe. If you don't even know how to pronounce your company's name how to work for them. As for herman li, he should know la.
Aiya Ibanez was japanese so in real jap, it would be ee-ba-nez

But those Americans can't read romanji, so what happens when they see an "I"?

ai-ba-nez... -_-" for goodness sake...
Yes, yes, it's lessssssss paul, his name is Les... but ask 5 out of 10 guys who own one, and they'll say "dude, it's a lezpaul" just like that.. one word, with a z.

Anyway, I come from Wisconsin (where Les Paul is from) and most of the people there pronounce it with a z too. Maybe it's just our slang. Or the stuff we smoke.

And hey foxblinhope (which I now pronounce ape-blink-hope)...
I actually pronounce Epiphone like this... "copy guitar"

yes its pronounced as eye-bern-nez. I used to pronounced it as ee-ba-nez too until i heard Paul Gilbert, Vai and Satriani pronounce it the correct way in interviews.
Actually, Les Paul is pronounced as

Leh Phhh

The 'aul' in Paul is a one of those silent 'aul's.



ps I hope I didn't offend any emos here and make them cry or turn suicidal.
MisterK, its funny that most people just omit the bah in umbrella rite? most would just leave it out conveniently...... and pronounce it as um-bre-la.

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