How to pronounce gauge ?

Honestly speaking... English is such a bastardized language that pronouncing is different in different regions across the world.

Americans pronounce the word "sarcasm", "comparative", "anti", (and the list goes on) differently from how the British do.

And that's not all. Cos not only do the Americans and British speak English. We have (Uh-hem) Singaporeans, French, Japaneses, Scottish, Germans, etc, speaking English too.

Don't you find it a little ridiculous to debate on the exact pronouncing of the word "gauge"?
ok.. i think it shud be gay-age..

(off topic).. water is pronounced as war-ter or war-der??..
and how abt debt (with the silent 'b') and herb (with silent 'h')...
these rilly make me confuse..

even the newcasters pronounce them in random...


which is the correct one:

where do u live? or where do u stay?

i dunno man...
Don't you find it a little ridiculous to debate on the exact pronouncing of the word "gauge"?

True, every place in the world pronounces their English differently from other places. It doesn't affect their pronunciation, but also the spelling.

For example:

Grey and Gray
Honor and Honour
Organisation and Organization

Its the same word, same meaning, but spelled differently.
It all really depends on where you are in the world, then that would affect the spelling and the pronunciation. Not only due to accent, but also due to lazy tongues.

Lazy tongues? Just take a look at Singapore. People pronounce "Pro-noun-ciation", when its supposed to be "Pro-NUN-ciation. Cement is often pronounced as "semen", which is very unfortunate, considering the latter's sexual connotation.
Heck, even Inch Chua admits that she got the name "Inch" due to the atypical Singaporean being lazy to pronounce her chinese name properly

For the record, its pronounced "Gage" (Geyj), and "Wot-ter". "War-der" is probably due to the thick British accent, which does not emphasize the T sound
And Arse and Ass is two different words, though it has the same meaning
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Holy shit, a Soldiering Iron!
no its tru ! i saw it in johnny english ! the british hot girl cursed ass but say it arse .

Because it's not arse, but "ah-ss". Ass and Arse are still 2 different words. do not mock that which you do not know. our english is generally based on British Queen's English. What you just pronounced is the American way.

Like how many singaporreans pronouce "schedule" as ske-dule and not she-dule as is the proper british way. skedule is american.

I think the attitude on this thread is pretty appalling. If someone doesn't know how to pronounce it, then simply answer. Why is there a need to make a joke out of it? You'd be surprised how poor our ability to pronouce words as Singaporeans is.

Why not just help the chap and move on with it? Why ridicule?:confused:
where did the idea of pronouncing gauge as 'gorge' come from? its ridiculous.. haha.
i agree with WhiteStrat on his points. In my opinion, Singaporeans' way of english is totally unacceptable... and disgraceful.
In some fluid mechanics textbook, they even spell "gauge" as "gage". And yes, these books were written by Brits, with British engineering units. So I am quite sure it is pronounced as "gay-edge".

Anyway, how will you pronounce "pronunciation"?
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no its tru ! i saw it in johnny english ! the british hot girl cursed ass but say it arse .


it means she cursed ARSE lah. whats wrong with that. where there subtitles that showed the word ASS and she said it as ARSE.

if i go up to someone and say you ARSE does it mean i pronounce ASS as ARSE?