How to get those factory black laquer paint - guitar body?


New member
anyone has painted or airbrushed your guitar body?
Was at project guitar, there are so many different types of air guns and paint. It too confusing

I just want a simple solid black like on most guitar, just a small portion that require to paint on.

What should I get,
air brush and paint?
Black laquer paint?
Where can I get these equipments?
How much?
Cheapest alternative?
ok, juz get black spray paint and transparent lacquer spray. prices of spray paints are around $10-20 if im not wrong. i got mine from spotlight.
Nippon Pylox Flat Black....3 coats ...dry ...sand with 1000 grit to Nippon Pylox clear laq 2/3 coats..dry for 3 days...buff....hang dry for a week b4 installation .... :D

Total cost less than 15 bucks !!

i wonder how the effect will be like..

a new form of guitar art.

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