How students raise $100?


New member
Hey guys, i need to raise $100 to get a guitar from a fellow softie, but im finding it extremely difficult! Im a polytechnic student, and have very long school hours, 8am to 7pm on monday n tuesday, 9am to 6pm on the other weekdays. I get $10 pocket money a day, have high metabolism(which means that sandwich i bring to sch almost counts as nothing compared to how much i consume in the long school hours)

Some might say that with my $10 a day, $100 is an easy sum, but its not easy in reality! I have to support my other hobby too...keeping predatory fish...and I have to buy live fish for them to eat(about $2 a day). I am trying to convert them fishes to take rotten "CONSUME BY TODAY" prawns from NTUC, so far some have taken to it. :oops:

So, any ideas how you guys do it? Thanks! :)
wah u get $10 a day!!!

should be able to wat, slowly save lor

or borrow from parents, then pretend forget to pay back :lol:
haha, thanks for the response, but its really hard man! during the sch hours, i spend all my money away on food. Like each time spend $2-$4, then money all no more already...

plus...everytime i manage to save up a decent sum(eg. $30), i will have itchy backside syndrome, to buy more predatory fish on impulse... :oops:
hmm...what i used to do is really pls dun ever do it..i will just skip breakfast and lunch to save $10 which i get everyday...and jus ate dinner at home...but after i saved up to 200..i also end up lying in the clinic due to pls dun skip breakfast and lunch to saved money...

maybe u can try to bring a lunch box to sch..instead of jus will last u longer...or u can try eating wholemeal bread instead of white bread...u will be full easier too
aiya just resist not to buy the fish for now lor...tahan! for food, just buy something cheap...

wat fish u keep? predatory sounds cute man! :twisted:

oh ya, when i was in P6, i was so stingy loved money, but got a dollar a day, so i spent my p5 half year and whole p6 saving money not eating during recess, only occassionally. then come sec1 i was a skinny bean now also damn skinny. i was quite fat in p5 then!

LOL!!! you became skinny all because u lived a miserly lifestyle? In sec sch, i saved my $20 out of $40 a week pocket money for an excruciatingly long time for a discman. Looking back, i wonder how i did that...(peanut butter sandwiches were one of the tools is used) haha...maybe i should try again or something...

anyway, for my fishes...

And Itachi, you are really hardcore man!! Salute your perserverance sia...haha...but i cant help but wonder why you didnt bring any food from home to avoid gastric. :?
haha..ya..i was also quite fat when im in P5..P6 and sec1...used to be in TAF club as well...den i skip breakfast and lunch for like 3 mths..den i became damn also still damn skinny..but jus cant gain back more weights now..i wish i can put on a few more jus 50kg now...
in SP, there is a stall that sells fried bee hoon, adding vege, luncheon meat, should cost below 1.50.

this means $10 - $1.50 - $2 = $6.50

that is how i save. BTW, i dun get 50 per week i get only 40...therefore...find the cheapest and most value for money place in ur poly to eat.

but do bring ur sandwich to eat as a snack when u r hungry after lunch, try not to eat, drink water, flood ur stomach, there r water coolers around in school
ya because of p5-6 i'm slim and sexy now! :lol: lol jk jk

but that was super unhealty la, now too thin malnutrition but now i EAT like mad, dun care much about spending on food liao

but i guess it all voices down to motivation on saving. but no need to save until u wanna die, because next time u get a job, earn $$$ then wat is $10 man? maybe less than 1% or ur pay! :lol:
haha, Mr. X, good idea, i've begun eating at this yang zhou fried rice store, $1.60 for a generous heap of yang zhou fried rice...haha...and of course......I drink heaven n earth green tea...cos they are having a contest in which u may find the winning tab on the can and win $88 cash... :lol: :oops:

LOL, to the skinny beans here, whats your height n weight? couldnt be worse than me i think, due to my high 1.78m, 52kg.... :oops:
haha..u guys r like so 10 bucks everyday...i only got a pathetic $5 damn..i shld ask for a raise of allowance..haha
MichaelAngelo said:
LOL, to the skinny beans here, whats your height n weight? couldnt be worse than me i think, due to my high 1.78m, 52kg.... :oops:

waa..u r 1.76m..50kg...darn...i need to put on weight..i shld start eating KFC tml...haha

damn..$5 really cant survive in NYP man...the food there is so darn ex...maybe except the yong tuo fu from the carteen...otherwise the rest is pretty damn ex...hai...MUM!!!I NEED A ALLOWANCE RAISE OR ELSE I WILL GO ON HUNGER STRIKE AGAIN!!!hahaha
haha, i wont survive with $5 always hungry. Now u having holidays? then can find a part time job lor, if u want money, my sch term just started though. :(

lol, itachi, u go ns already? U are 2cm shorter than me, 2kg lighter than me, sama sama! hahaha...
MichaelAngelo said:
haha, Mr. X, good idea, i've begun eating at this yang zhou fried rice store, $1.60 for a generous heap of yang zhou fried rice...haha...and of course......I drink heaven n earth green tea

u also in SP? go to FC6...i tell u, water drink plain water......but though i have done all these to save for my guitar project, but i m still a fatass.

short than u by 8cm, heavier by 30KG.
itachy oso from nyp ah? haa.. doesn't mean every break u gotta eat or drink smt wad.. got break n i've eaten i'll go to e-learning n come to soft n look see..
MichaelAngelo said:
wah!! Mr X so good sia....we all admire your in TP btw, haha.

OIE SHUDDUP.... :oops: .....its no joke bloody hell. pre-Poly check up, they doc diagnosed that i have high blood pressure. i can go anytime u know. its no joke.