how much should i spend on learning guitar?

FR needs more care and proper handling. you wont want to trouble urself with tuning stability, learning how to use it properly etc...

get something simple first
I would think the other way. :)

If you like what a Floyd Rose / Whammy / Tremolo / Locking trem guitar can do, then by all means, go for it.

My FIRST electric was a Floyd Rose equipped guitar.
lol u pro mah...most ppl would get a fixed bridge or those with vintage trems. my first was a vintage trem, then a FR, after i learned more hehe
If you're like totally serious about learning guitar than by all means go all out and get a good guitar/amp but if you ain't sure if you'll stick with it than it would be better if you get a 2nd hand or starter pack guitar.

I've friends who quit cuz they get blisters/dun wana cut their nails (mostly chicks) and for guys they say something like not flexible enough leh, stretch till very pain.

If you can't stand some minor pain than you better think twice lah, maybe can pickup some blowing instrument, blowing not so pain :twisted:

Rock On!!!

hi guys, i got myself a cx2 already :D thx for the help. I spend about 260 on that. It came with the bag, and the pp there gave me picks for free :) decided to get cx2 cause its cheaper, and my friend told me basswood suit me better, cause i wanna get tones like satriani and paul gilbert. Is that true? At first i wanted the pac012, but my friend told me the wood not very good and cx2 can upgrade. I got a free marshall from him hehe :lol:

any distortion pedal u all recommend? I wanna get something like racer x, technical difficulties. anyway is this song hard? How long normally a person take to master this piece? It sounds very power to me 8O

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