how much practice per week is considered sufficient?


New member
hi guys.

How much time do you guys leave aside for playing the guitar per week or daily?
Since i have olvls this year, i find it hard to find time and practice on the guitar. By practice i mean really practice, not just whack a few strings then put the guitar back.

Even though they say that 'time is created by your own', but practically speaking i have to leave aside time for school, revision etc etc. May sound like excuses to some of you... however i think that if you think back about how stressed you were during your N/O/A Level then you might understand what i'm trying to say lol.

I don't really think i have time management problem cause too many things are taking up my time. School alone takes up one-third of the 24hours, still got 16 hours, but minus here and there, time for guitar practice is no more than 2hours.

So is 2 hours/day of practice enough for a beginner guitarist to progress fast enough?

TL;DR not much time to play guitar. how to set aside time/increase efficiency of practice?
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There's no hard fast rule to how long you have to practice because there is no absolute scale to 'progress fast enough' to. Each person will have a different proficiency in learning guitar, some will pick it up pretty fast others will need more time. Ideally you should not practice to the extent that it becomes a chore.

I have to balance my uni work with guitar practice and some of my older friends also 'complain' that their work sometimes prevents then from playing for a few weeks at a time.
this is quite stupid

2 hours a day is definitely more than enough. focus on the quality of the practice rather than the quantity. in fact, 1 hour is enough.
For me, I approach this as what it is; a hobby. There's no dateline, no progress charts, etc. Otherwise, it will be another typical Singaporean tuition regime. Just enjoy whatever time you have doing whatever you wish. Otherwise, it becomes a chore. Like studying.

Good luck for your O-levels!
this question is so individual and personal.

your goals, your seriousness.

wanna play like paul gilbert in 1 year? 987654321hours a day.
wanna play like tom delonge 1 year? .15mins a day.

im kidding. but you get what i mean.
for practice, you set a goal for your practice, after the practice what u want to acchieve. So as long as you can acchieve your goal you can stop your practice irreguardless how long it takes, if you cannot then carry on. So don't set unrealistic goals. If your goal is to play like paul gilbert after your practice then good luck.
Some says to become really good, it takes at least 10,000hrs in your life to become good. Lol

Like what most softies had said, set goals, do quality practise. Everyday 1-2hr will be enough.
I would do finger stretching(finger excercise for your fretboard hand) whenever I can, even when I am without my guitar.

Just my 2cents.
how to put a timeline on practice...
Its usually a personal preference.
Try to play as often as you can if time permits u