How much is a fender no-load tone pot?


New member
Probably going to buy one tomorrow from Davis, just want to be mentally prepared before I go down. Anyone knows?
I didn't know Davis stocks them.

They should go ard 12 to 20 bucks. I bought mine overseas for 12 SGD.

Yes, you can DIY your own no load tone pot BUT you don't get the indent that makes it feel more switch-like (you'll know when you use it)

Anyway, note that the NO LOAD Tone pots come in 250k flavours only.

Actually, I would prefer to add a toggle switch to switch off my tone pot instead... but its my preference.
The indent is good cos my hand rubs against the neck pot when I'm switching pickups, it should help it to stay there. My pot isn't working now, it's like it's not there, probably the same as the no load pot on 10. Just want to be able to play around with the tone when I feel like it instead of having a dead pot there, so yea. My current pot is 250k, so it should be ok.

I thought I saw it at davis the other time.. I may be wrong. Where did you get yours from?