How many of you wish music...

just wondering, for those who feel 80s or 90s music is rocking then post y2k music. How many went thru that period of time listening to those music as new releases and not "greatest hits" moment in post y2k era
i might be a few years late in discovering 80s 90s band but i make it a point to listen to their studio albums before anything else. Greatest hits just don't do justice.
i dont quite like the stuff of today, i dont mind pop and all but all that emocore indie bla bla bla really grinds my ears, i really like the older stuff A LOT better..
There should be more drone bands here in Singapore so that we could organise a drone night gig or something..

Ok maybe a little out of topic..
cycle of music trend is always interesting and the mindset of us human is more intriguing as well

people from the early years usually move on to some other things or beyond what they were raised on, this is progression. But sometime, some people are just stuck on the things they knew from last time and never want to move away. While some wanna the past to come back when they were not around during that time when that music is leading the way.

The music move on, but our mind sometime just refused to move or prolly gotten too numb to accept new things in sound and music

no bashing intended, but just seeing a certain way of our reception to music and stuff.

yeah, a part of humans sometimes just want something to remain the same forever. but i have to say that music from the 60s to late 90s, they sound warmer.
heh, warmer in what sense?

in term of frequency, words, recording sample rate or the whole idea of music which the label wanna sell us?

if in term of frequency, i recommend reducing treble and more bass/mids frequency on the stereo!
I love the 90s, it was more exciting in terms of music then. But it does make me wonder, isit because I was growing up as a teen in the 90s that made me like the 90s music? Most people relate/like the music that is around when they are in their teens? Who knows 10 years on, today's teens will miss the 2000s emo era, and say how crappy the music are in the 2010s.....
heh, bro mobius bro, perhaps you have hit the right spot..

music, other than aural enjoyment, often is tie to the environment that we are in, the thoughts we have and the views we see, at the time of hearing and embracing the music. A representation of our emotions.

As life is changing everyday, the things we see, the experiences we have will change as well, through this changes, our taste changed as well. In general i mean(off course i know theres a lot who dont and it aint a bad thing too. Only problem is when resisting the unknown in general and stuff we dont know while holding on strongly to the past while limiting the many paths ahead)
it looks like you all love the 80s and 90s, have totally forgotten about the 70s, and are indifferent about the 2000s

maybe in 10 years time people wont give a shit about the 80s, and will be whining about how music in the 10s cannot compare to the 90s and 00s

maybe muse will be considered classic rock by then

was music in the 90s that good? where were you in the 90s? or more importantly, where are limp bizkit, korn, staind, papa roach, pm5k, orgy and all the nu-metallers today?
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You all will be surprised how many people athough is a teen during 80s or 90s, love the 60s and 70s equally or the 50's rock and roll,and they love to jam songs from 50s-80s. It all depends on whether you know good music or just a sheep following your teenage peers trends.
i agree that music has taken a backseat to its definition since the 2ks, but music evolution is normal what.. evolution always happens everywhere..

everyone has their own preference of music and i think it should be just left that way, just share what you prefer, find more peeps who can relate with ya, and that's it. i don't see the rationale of battering on where music is going or condemning other people's tastes. it's quite immature.

i have to admit that most of the people here don't quite understand what sorta music is playing on the radio these days, but that's not the music industry or the current pop listener's fault.. they'll hear what they want to hear.. you'll hear what you want to hear.. if you can't digest it, okay lor. if they can't digest your songs, okay lor. what's all this crap about which music was best and all? everyone keeps talking about good music etc.. "good music" is subjective, what is good to you maybe the most boring suckiest no-good music to another.

in the end you guys are just talking in circles man.. why dissect and subdivide music and its listeners for? i mean seriously, why and what for, what does it prove? music is music right?