How many of you here are self-taught

Hi all

just wanted to share my two cents. I was completely self taught up to the first 12 years of my playing but eventually, I hit a sort of ceiling and no matter how much I tried I couldn't break through and that was when I decided to study music formally at a music college.

While I didn't learn much guitar there I did study more theory and harmony concepts but through that you teach yourself how to apply it on guitar so in essence its sort of self study/taught as well.

Well after going through all that I must say is that studying music formally does is prepare you for a career in professional music. Jobs like session for artistes, studio sessionists, combo orchestra, touring band etc. Many of these jobs require certain skills like sight reading, comping, etc, and while these can be self learnt, almost always these are the skills neglected when you try to teach yourself. It would require great discipline and structure to acquire these by yourself but still not impossible.

Just my two cents.
I have a few questions to those who are self-taught. I'm pretty confused on courses offered in music school and the whole theory of it and tabs. I realize that you can learn tabs and play the guitar.

I see schools like Ossia stating they have courses for guitar theory made easy and that's for 12 lessons. There is another course I see that's Graded Acoustic Guitar and they have several levels in it. They also have this Basic Acoustic Guitar which is for 10 lessons. It's all confusing me with the basic and graded levels. Am I right to say, after the 10 lessons since it's real basic you'd have to take up Graded classes if you plan to learn more?

I don't get some school teaching guitar. Would they teach tabs too or would they expect you to read music so should you have taken the guitar theory? Guitar theory lessons as I stated above is only 12 lessons, is that all that's required? Do they expect you to know music theory before taking guitar music theory?

I guess what I'm trying to ask is that what do they teach in the lessons if most self-taught method is through tabs?

Thanks in advance to anyone that answers!