How many of you here are self-taught

I'm self-taught...well b4 the days of the internet...started by watching a "reluctant-to-teach" friend playing his guitar...then made progress from learning new chords & new songs & playing them at every available opportunity during gatherings & mtgs...but my recent progress over the past 2 yrs has been largely from the internet (YOUTUBE of course!)

I truly believe that those who are self-taught would tend to possess certain in-born "music cells"...though some more, some less...

i personally think, by self teaching, one can develop more of a personal style, rather by being under a teacher, who may pass down his/her style to you. but im not saying having teachers are bad though. helps your learning phase, pointing out mistakes and so on.

im self taught except for my first few chords taught by an "old friend". and to be honest, i need someone to actually point mistakes of mine.
I am self taught too.. But i kinda wish I wasn't. Simply because, looking back, I think I would have developed much faster if I had a good teacher. I'd have a better understanding of theory and stuff.

With the internet nowadays, its perfectly viable to learn guitar really ALL by yourself from the stuff available online. How fast you grow depends on how much you practice. Which i don't really do much hehe..
I'm self-taught too...yup, gotta agree that the Internet is a great learning aid...improved vastly over tha lst coupla years. What worked for me was getting inspired by Youtube stars like Sungha Jung, fargenbastich and other amazing and talented guitar gods. Would hope to contribute some day with videos and songs too!

Still need to work on my groove though...but i believe having a good axe helps.
I am self taught too.. But i kinda wish I wasn't. Simply because, looking back, I think I would have developed much faster if I had a good teacher. I'd have a better understanding of theory and stuff.

With the internet nowadays, its perfectly viable to learn guitar really ALL by yourself from the stuff available online. How fast you grow depends on how much you practice. Which i don't really do much hehe..

I'm self-taught too but was thinking of the same stuff as you on whether getting proper lessons from a teacher would bring more value-add.

But then again the thing about self-teaching is that one can learn and pratice as and when he or she likes it, it's meant to be a hobby after all unlike work which is an obligation :mrgreen:.

Thank god for the internet though!
lol i think majority of the ppl who registered in this forum is self-taught. if u are learning guitar outside i don think u will come this forum unless buy/sell section lol. yeah im self-teaching myself too. still a noob =X

100% self taught... i always wonder does singing need to be taught? it's something born with you...
as long as u learn everything that is needed in playing music,

does not matter whether u r self taught or go thru a teacher

but honestly, i still prefer to play with musician who has formal training, not to say self taught musician are no good...

....easier to communicate musically that is the main thing...

Just my preference..
98% self taught. I feel that the lessons i went for a few months really helped me break my learning plateau. very very nice to get someone to spot your mistakes. Also, its rather useful to see the creativity of someone else (your teacher) to help inspire you to create beautiful melodies.
syuk90: Probably, but maybe some of those guitar circles have a more experienced player among them? That's actually how I learn't some electric guitar techniques. Was taught by a friend who is more experienced. :cool:
i am self taught in guitar, keyboard and little bit of drumming. back in 90s it was hard to find music lesson in my hometown.

only in 2000s when i got full access to internet i learnt more systematic way to do scale,fingering, picking etc. now with youtube, forums music lesson is just overload everwhere... new generation very lucky!
syuk90: Probably, but maybe some of those guitar circles have a more experienced player among them? That's actually how I learn't some electric guitar techniques. Was taught by a friend who is more experienced. :cool:

hmm, whats the difference between playing electric and acoustic? i mean, technique wise.
Self taught from an old "let it be" soNg boOk- learned from the chord charts there

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