How many guitarists here play other instruments?


New member
Just had to ask after checking out Eric Johnson's webbie, which revealed he can play the piano as well, with a video as proof. So yea, who here plays other instruments?
Other Instruments

Bass (Can't slap for nuts though)

A little of Keyboard (Only Chords and filling ins, no super duper songs like Canon in D etc etc)

and Drums.
Piano and keyboards...I just know the basic chord fingerings...nothing more...I play the song "Imagine" on my piano..the ONLY song I play on piano! :)
i used to play harmonica...i own 4 harmonicas ,

1 suzuki blues master in C
1 suzuki blues master in F
1 suzuki chromatic
1 hohner skeleton harmonica in C which sounds really good but works like a it was actually spoiled after awhile of blowing and drawing.
I can play guitar, and piano. err i used to learn it, i was at grade 5 then i stopped. :)
and i have a harmonica, used to be my cousin's. can't really play that properly..mary had a little lamb?!
Well guitar, piano and drums for me. Seems like there are quite a number of people going for more than just one instrument.
Play other instruments

I play guitar ...err I mean rhythm guitar... err means I play poorly
but I play piano/keyboards... errr and play fairly well ....
... and errr... I can play harmonica the diatonic ones .....learned from Ho Chong Wing when I was small and Christmas tree were tall ... errr ah?
I have a Glockenspiel, which is a relative of the Xylophone.

I bought it on a trip to Seattle last year - it only has 8 notes - a complete octave of C Major with no sharps or flats. Cost me a small fortune (USD $70) but it has the PUREST tone. It's really good for learning to improvise a melody without being constrained by the neck of the guitar and the arrangement of the strings. I play melodies I wouldn't normally and much more variety in terms of intervals.
penta-tonic said:
and last but not least de instrument i was born with, my voice.

wow. Singapore's nine inch nails!

I prefer to be the best i can be in one specific instrument though les i'll be a Jack of all trades, master of none.

However, i'm still not able achieve that as yet. Sad case. Yes. :lol:
I think all musicians should pick up more instruments...then will have a broaded perspective..

I started with piano, picked up classical guitar and later other jam instruments, whilst I was in the school chinese orchestra...haha

For me, I'm a sucker for instruments; I play
Oriental Flutes
Oriental Lyres
Oriental Lutes

Its fun to play diff types of music....but sometimes i wonder....jack of all trades, master of none?
jack of all trades, master of none?
Oh least a jack, not a two or a three. But if you ask me, I'd rather be an ace (spade some more)....

...lame joke i heard, dun mind me..