How important is modulation in a bassist's effects arsenal?


New member
My personal lack of experience with effects just can't tell me why things like chorus, reverb and delays are useful to a bassist, especially during live playing. I have used phasers and flangers in the past, but those are more 'hardcore' efx, and their sonic influence is more obvious than the 1st three. So really, I have no clue.

Reason why i started this thread is to learn something about modulation effects in the context of a bassplayer. But then I realised, that I could learn so much more by just leaving you guys to discuss! So thanks in advance, hope to learn something here.
well, i play in a "rock" context so for me.. i sometimes use a FM4 to provide textural changes. an example i can think off the top of my head is using the FM4 to dial up a "swirly" pad-like sound and just hold sustaining root notes (partly because the band i'm in doesn't have a keyboardist) during passages of music that are appropriate of course.

in my opinion, if a bassist were to use a delay.. it would have to be quantized or synced with the drummer if you're playing rhythmically. it sort of defeats the purpose of practicing and developing a relationship with your drummer if your delay is out of time. a tap tempo would be the easiest solution i reckon.

on a side note, 3notesABar.. you're playing with Throb now right?
tell Dharma that Adam says hi = D

What are choruses and detuners based on? Pitch-based? Mostly that. Or anything la, I'm open to reading things. Thanks!

Hi Mockstarr,

Will let Dharma know you said hi, and thanks for your insight, very helpful! I also got FM4 haha.
I use tone-based effects and a compressor at the end of the chain.
I know better than to even think of using a chorus as I know the bad side effects of it. I also try avoiding buying effects that will interfere with my guitarist's effects EG: Conflicting frequencies the effects are based on.
i just got a voodoo lab analogue chorus. i find it fills out the sound when i'm playing acoustic with one bass and one guit. sounds like a fun pedal so far. in a band with one guit and one bass, it would be a nice effect to fill out the void for slower songs.
Nice. Hows the pedal for bass in general?

In a full band setting, I don't really know when is a good time for a bassist to use a chorus. Maybe when theres no rhythm guitar while the guitarist is soloing? For me and my band that happens quite often, but would there be a discernible difference in the band sound if I were to use a chorus during the guitarist's solos?
i think listening to Victor Low's bass work on Concave Scream's Three album shows the versatility of playing with the Chorus effect. i think it works because their guitars are usually in the trebbly and sound somewhat fuzzy/sandy.. so having a clean chorus like effect actually does cut thru the mix rather effectively. plus the eq of the bass on their recordings sound somewhat mid boosted, so i think that helped in not clashing with certain guitar frequencies.
hey kevin,

i'm a big fan of choruses ... my CE-2B is the only pedal after my ProDI that i'm not willing to let go off.

It's used for parts where there are little instruments playing but you do not want your bass to sound stagnant .. as in just .. "duuuuuu" ...

i use very often in a stripped down context .. e.g. 1 guitar and 1 keys with a bass and no drummer, i'll turn it on for slap to fill in the percussive spaces and the ambience spaces.

if not i'll use the chorus pedal for chord works .. =) ..
well from my 2 day experience playing with the pedal through a tiny ashdown after eight amp, the pedal retains the lows but the highs are cut slightly. no noticable volume drop or gain. tone overall is not colored. i like the fact that i can get crazy swirly sounds or just subtle chorus sounds with the 2 knobs. it's nice and versatile and i have fun playing through it set to max for slow songs just to piss my singer and guit off :P haven't really tried it with my other pedals but i have a good feeling about running bassballs>bigmuff>analog chorusfor some crazy sounds.

my pedal is the older version with the ehx power jack and no led. i'll probably have a funky colored led installed for the pedal. i was really set on a small clone but then this deal came around. not regretting my choice.