How do you put the stuff u recorded on vidcam on ur pc


New member
I used to be able to do it with a USB thingy, but i think i lost it. Or maybe i just forgot how its done. can anyone tell me? My vid cam is PANASONIC NV-GS5
you should get a firewire card (aka : iLink or IEEE 1394). usually cost about S$30 - S$40.

with this, you can transfer the video to your computer digitally at the highest quality possible.

i recommend using Pinnacle Studio v.9 (US$ 79.99) for editing because it can capture the whole tape at a low resolution (save diskspace), once you finish editing you just hit a button and it will re-capture all the shots you want from the tape in high resolution.

check it out
Thanks for the reply James, can u tell me how the firewire card works? it connects the cam to the pc? Oh and damn I used to have Pinnacle Studio v9 installed in my pc, it came with the pc. but i tot it was just wasteful so i uninstalled it lol :lol:
you might want to check if your computer has a firewire card already since it came with a video editing software. it might just be there!

the camera you have is a DV camera, meaning the information is recorded digitally on the tape. by connecting a firewire cable to the camera, you can transfer these digital information to the computer. it is like transfering data from 1 computer to another.
Arghh!!!I hate Pinacle! If the tape is not in your possesion when you edit finish, you will just have to do with the low resolution/offline files.
ha...ha.. then you capture the whole tape in hi-res and not the low-res version.

actually, this option is like doing off-line and on-line. :wink:
capturing video to PC (or digitizing for short)


firstly, you probably won't be able to capture your video from your camera using a USB port, simply 'cos USB isn't powerful enough to do it.

digitizing is usually done via the iEEE or the Firewire port.

if you're using a mini-DV cam, there's probably a DV port somewhere on your camera. you gotta connect your camera to your PC via a Firewire cable. be sure to get the "DV to iEEE(firewire) cable", where 1 cable head is really small, and the other sorta resembles the USB cable.

assuming you used to have Pinnacle, which in my honest opinion - stinks, you prob already have pretty decent speed firewire ports.

i'd recommend Adobe Premiere (6.0 and above) for PC users. simply because it gives you more freedom to do what you wish to your footage. plus there's no high-res low-res nonsense to really deal with.

so that's my 2 cents' worth. i hope it'll be useful to you.
lol..uh...i have the same camera...and i'm using USB port works fine. i just need to find another video editing programme lar..
Get DivX or XviD codec and VirtualDub. Then use VirtualDub to capture video. Select Xvid or DivX compression. I'll recommend Xvid. Set the Target bitrate to 10000kbps or lower. even if u set Target bitrate 10000kbps using single pass, the file still will be many times smaller than the raw AVI file. U get high quality Xvid compressed .avi video.