How do we effectively play this riff?? (Mp3, pic included)


New member
As of that red box... I tried alternative picking, practising and practising, increasing speed... It still doesnt sound the way it should...

Can somebody guide upon that? I have cut the mp3 which makes it start from 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, ... ...


Short excerpt of that song. It's Canon in D, BTW. I have been practising it on and off, but such riff always bawled me..

TIA!! 8)
I know EC picking has been discussed in the forum... But how do you designate when it's a D, or when it's a U? Is there a fixed formula in this or?

Nevertheless, lemme try it... :)

THX 1,000,000... 8)
economy picking works on the concept of which direction the pick is going...

suppose you want to play a whole scale ascending or descending(3 notes a string),you can do it with straight out economy picking.However if there is even one string on wwhich there are only 2 notes(take the conventional form of the aeolian taught on many sites)then the direction of pick changes :) .

If u didnt get that,what i mean is when u play a DUD then the natural direction for the pick to go is continuing down(as opposed to going back up like alternate picking),so in economy picking,there is no change of direction of pick while crossing strings :lol:

A 3 note per string scale played across all strings would have a picking pattern:


hope this helped(refer to frank gambale for more detailed reference)
to me, it's the most commonsensical form of picking.
Usually, you figure it out for yourself, and you dont need any expert or book to teach it.
Vaiyen very true :) ,I always wondered why people didnt pick this way,I though i had discovered a technique :oops:

I guess with all the alternate picking lessons going around,people dont think outside the box sometimes :wink:
bluepowder said:
If u didnt get that,what i mean is when u play a DUD then the natural direction for the pick to go is continuing down(as opposed to going back up like alternate picking),so in economy picking,there is no change of direction of pick while crossing strings :lol:

Thx... I think I have always been going with the DUD UDU DUD UDU DUD. Let me get it common within myself...

Thx for all help...
so much has been written abt EP! they talk abt adjacent strings la, inside and outside picking la, and i'm bemused and just think, "It's just commonsense la!"

i guess the point here is : do not be imprisoned by other people's theories of how things should work. If you find out a better way, then it IS a better way.
hmmm... there's no hard and fast run. Economy picking or alternate picking, either one can and will work.

The thing is.

Note the pentuplet (sp?) at the end of the red box phase. Its 5 notes in 1 beat.

There's 4 beats in that red box (1 bar) and so you play 4 notes in 1 beat until that pentuplet.

Go slow.
Im working on that song too!

xspace, just practice, and start slow like shredcow has said. you'll be able to do it in a few days :D.

The '22' on the next bar is tapped by your picking hand, just fyi xD

all the best!
for me a combo of alternate and econo picking always works best :wink: sometimes when its fast i prefer hybrid picking as well(summin i learnt a short while back courtesy of brett garsed) :D
bluepowder said:
sometimes when its fast i prefer hybrid picking as well(summin i learnt a short while back courtesy of brett garsed) :D

wah i would be interested to learn hybrid picking too. anything on the Net you would particularly recommend?
Vaiyen said:
wah i would be interested to learn hybrid picking too. anything on the Net you would particularly recommend?

Search for this guy, Guthrie Govan. He has EXCELLENT hybrid picking in the context of single note solos.

As in, instead of moving the pick up and down a run, he would use his fingers so there's very minimal movement.

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