how bad is NS?

Damn tough bro..

Especially nearing the end.

IPPT cialat.

But i passed!!

Now, Sispec has moved to Pasir Laba and i really missed Tekong. :?:

During my stint in SISPEC, i made friends especially with Coy 2ICs, 1WO,2WO,MWO and SWOs..

Until now, i still keep in contact with them.

Not bad for a 3SGT who can go to the Officers Mess to hunt all those Officers that cause trouble for my Dept.

My overall head is a SWO. If I got any problem, see him.

How often do U see a 2WO or 1WO march in jsut to see a SWO? :wink:
Sispec not in Tekong already ah...

All the WOs I come across are the damn relack, overweight and sleepy kind haha. Maybe I was lucky.
Actually, NS is sian la, with abit of fun now and then. That's the norm. Everything is actually bearable. Really. Even those old-school thinking warrant who ask you to wash their cup and pour them some water when the water cooler is just outside and he's doing nothing are still bearable.

But I really feel like complaining. 5 guard duties a month..... :( and another 3 duty clerk, and no. I've not been awarded extra.

wah lau... i got posted to Brunei for 15 months man... lucky i was posted in bandar seri begawan and not lakiun camp. there was a small jamming studio in the town area and we had a guitarist cook so i was pretty fortunate. :)
Can I ask you guys something?

Why is it my bro's BMT in tekong was only 2 months long? =\ It's not even 2 and half mths long but only 2months. =\

Its supposed to be 10 weeks (2.5 months) technically speaking. Is your brother out of course or something?
No lah. Lol. He got out of BMT, and then the next week posted back to tekong again. Sispec. =\ Not much diff. He was told to go for this pilot course and then I don't know what happened. Haha.
MichaelAngelo said:
clerk is quite shiong leh,


Clerical work not very siong. At least not for me. I don't know whyI get posted to be a clerk too. I go work 8:30am & end work 6pm daily. I got so much free time I can watch almost all the DVDs I have at home. NS life is so boring.
blahblah wrote,

have u been thru ns yet? if you have then respect if you love your country that's fine by me good on you if you havent then its rather idealistic to the point of naivity.

Well blahah, I was a college boy when the Kuwait War took place. So, do you think I have served NS? What about you? Were you one of those who was still sucking milk then? :lol:

On the point of "idealistic to the point of naivity", maybe you could define that for us and put that into our local context. Also, I wonder if you could enlighten me on when was the last time you saw a dead body or blood and how you felt then (You could even quote it if it was from "the monthly female thing"?) :lol:

As you know (do you?), our nation is modelling the Swiss lifestyle and do you know that in Switzerland, there is this saying about their defence, "Switzerland has no army. Switzerland is an Army." Such is the emphasis on National Security and the involvement of its people.

Really, maybe a suggestion to all those "-ve people" (just a convenient term) who opposed NS - Organise an unguided group tour to Isreal, Rwanda or even East Timor (cheaper) and come back to start a new thread "My Life in <Country>" (that is if you do come back).

It seems the thought that "we are all peanuts in the hierarchy of defence" prevails in many of us. And the more so since many in this thread are actually in seemingly "peanut" units! That is why many of us do not or could not feel the impact and importance of NS. The truth is that in a real threat, every man counts and that includes even the PES E clerk!

Despite such negativity in the air, I do express my gratitude to us all because it is this united force that enables to me and my family to live in peace each day. And the more I'd express my personal admiration to those ladies who serve the SAF as combat personels. They definitely put many man to shame and the more so in this post thread. Go figure that guys (or boys)! :wink:

>> Jayshen, wished there were more who'd think like you. I guess that comes with experience, doesn't it? :)
SilverBeast said:
Well blahah, I was a college boy when the Kuwait War took place.

who knows? maybe i was.. :lol: :lol: about the swiss thing..we're definately in a different context from their length and style of traning, singapore currently has the longest ns service time..2 years of any nation practising conscription...and switzerland has no real need for an army..the eu countries would never fight each have you seen a dead body then? well i've never seen a person getting killed but i have seen dead bodies, human ones, fresh from getting rammed by a since you love the military so much, care to sign on ?? :lol: :lol: so what did you do for ns...were you from one of the more "hiong" units or just a clerk who lazed away in the comfort of an office.. :lol:
Re: Hmm

neuro182 said:
Its supposed to be 10 weeks (2.5 months) technically speaking. Is your brother out of course or something?

Actually for Enhanced direct it's supposed to be 9 weeks. If I'm not wrong. Was still in army when they made that change. Heh, and I was one of the instructors la.

PTP is only 14 weeks.
neuro182 said:
Clerical work not very siong. .

Can we like change job? I'm a clerk too. I'll gladly watch dvd so you can do my 8 x guard duties. It should make your NS life very exciting. :roll:

Actually, this is a good thread to close. On one hand we have storemans and techs who have tons of works to do everyday, with sometime little welfare from their units. On the other hand, we have people who have too much time on their hands. So everyone had a different rendtition of NS life. My NS is halfway through and so far it left nothing but a bittersweet (more bitter than sweet actually) taste in my mouth. But in the end someone still has to defend this land, serve their 2 sweet years and another 10 more during the peak of his life. The bottle will spin once for everyone (well almost), so just take it in stride lo.. At the very least, what you gain through this passage of time are some you can call friends or brothers.
Just curious, when exactly do you know if ur going to the army or police or civil defence, navy, air force ect?

I also heard from a friend, that if ur a commando and u wanna reach some certain ranking u have to like rip off chick heads and then decapitate goats? is this true? :roll:
Well (again) blahblah, seems like you are one of those who prefer "to be fed with fish" than "to fish to feed yourself". EU is one of the alliances that countries forge to stay united, just like ASEAN, NATO, etc. True to say that in present civilisation, there seems to be lesser occurences of countries going into war. But go back to recent history (and I mean after WWII) and it would still prove the essential presence of the army in any nation to at least defend itself. Go figure. :wink:

I think we need not go on defending ourselves on points made to each other - it's going nowhere. It has come to a point like the saying that one would never know what pain is unless it is being felt. As with all things in existence, the truth will prevail. Anyway, I have no intentions to "change any leopards' spots".

In short, my NS life was never a wasted period and it allowed me to go through and see what few could. On the note that why I don't sign on - maybe it is a blessing that I did not because after reading so much here, I would not know when the day will come for me to pull out the pistol to shoot a coward (and whether 9 rounds in the magazine is indeed enough to do so). :lol:
suit yourself. :roll: and yes, i would wonder if you even have the courage to shoot something, talk is cheap, my friend. :wink:

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