how bad is NS?

wondering if anyone can share their experience. yea i'm aware that ns will definitely get in the way of a young band's(e.g. one with alot of 18 yr olds) development , but does anyone know the extent to which ns will impede your band's progress? like, for a normal ns man who doesn't get downgraded or anything, is it true that it'll be very difficult or almost impossible to jam in the 3 month bmt period?
ns is bad.

in bmt ...its possible... but tiring.

good luck bro...

"have you ever wondered... why must we serve... children having fun...... while we are holding guns.... "
during bmt u won't even get to book out cept sat and sun assuming u or ur platoon dun screw up and whole lot kena duty so get to enjoy camp during the weekends...and even if u do book out my experience was u are soooo tired u just knock out for the next 2 days and by sunday afternoon morale so low cos u know u gotta go back in sunday night mood to do anything...anyways, i dunno abt now. maybe things are better these guess is, its gonna take a lot of effort to keep the band going for the next 2 yrs...depending again on ur unit after u POP...all the best..
ChanMin said:
"have you ever wondered... why must we serve... children having fun...... while we are holding guns.... "

hahaha...freakin hell..CHAN...that song jst gave me a horrendous flashback...hahaha

anywaes..if the whole band is THAT committed to jamming and practicing..i do not see any reason not to lah..but after every booking out confirm you just wanna lie down and jst..zzzzzzz. it is THAT tiring..dunno bout the super siao on one lah..after booking out still got energy to do this n that..

but yeah...during's kinda tough to concentrate on jamming. after P.O.P see where you are posted to..who knows you get 8-5 vocation..heng lor..
Well in BMT, the first time u book out is probably after 2-3 weeks, and subsequently, every weekend (almost).

[edited by soft]
i managed to survive bmt, but all that saikang im doing in my unit is killing me, whatever u do, pray u dont get a RP vocation in any naval base or air base or u can kiss ur social life goodbye
haha i guess i must be really lucky then..i brought a squier strat to camp..everyday of the 5 day work week i'm practising guitar and honing my chops, when i get home i play drum n bass..musical week..still can jam much time in camp to learn my guitar parts..haha..
It really depends.... NS is really fucked up... no doubt about it.

Basically, BMT you can kiss goodbye to jamming.

When you get to a unit, basically you're under they're wimps an fancies.
They feel like giving you guys off then give. They feel like calling you back, they call, they feel like giving you extras, they give.


and i had to rush back to camp, change to battle mode and chiong to deploy at changi airport cos maybe some gay pilot read his map wrongly...

Its even worst when your time always gets wasted and you're in camp doing NOTHING productive anyway!

and day in day out, this so called "protecting the country" or "serving the nation" takes away your drive, your dreams, or EVEN YOUR SIMPLE PLANS for the NEXT WEEKEND!

Because no matter what you plan ahead. It can only be a forecast...

I simply dont understand, with no wars/ imminent quarrels with other countries or any conflict at all. The SAF can blow up the proportions of how dangerous our neighbours are. or how ready super ready we must be, and in the process of being "ready" we absolutely do nothing...
seekz said:
It really depends.... NS is really fucked up... no doubt about it....

look at it this way.

ya are trading time so tt ur kid can have a future to learn guitar , get decent guitar at decent prices , get a decent life and afford decent gear .

our suffering buys our nation stability.

to keep the status quo.
stars said:
to keep the status quo.

my kid can have a better life in us or even thailand. dont need to serve army and dont have to live in singapore stressful society where only certs count.
eh... I chiong until backbone spoil liao leh...
prolapse intervertebral disc

worth it or not ?

I ORDing TMR i also still have to kaopeh.
these 2 years and half years i've almost achieved nothing you know.
Damn sway know, Air defense. super high key
worst thing its so bad i come home i play my les paul also back pain....

have to stick to strat...

sit too long pain, stand too long pain, sleep also pain.
Dont complain la, NS nowsaday very good liao. 5 days week(except those gonna weekend guard duty), good pay, got place to sleep, food to eat, ocassionally go outfield do some mission, go jogging as u like during freetime, after 5pm book out. Where to find this kind of life?? Even best is now, no more ali baba bag, give those travellin bag, free :x

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