"Honey, do you think I'm fat?"

hell, just get straight to the point. just tell her "if your intended reply to my answer is that i'm a liar, i am NOT going to answer the question." do not feed such mindless attention seeking actions.
Actually, if she is fat, there are more avenues of some good lovin'. You won't be limited to the same few stuff you two do. :mrgreen:
both me and my wife put on weight since we were together.
so i guess i could put it this way too : "yes dear, those 'layers' we are both wearing around our body are our trademarks happy times as a loving couple."

and not to speak for myself, I know a few friends who put on kilos and a bigger smile on their face each time I see them.

this is life... good music, good lovin', good food, and good s.... erm. mating.
hell, just get straight to the point. just tell her "if your intended reply to my answer is that i'm a liar, i am NOT going to answer the question." do not feed such mindless attention seeking actions.

i'll assume tat u're still single?or u have a perfect gf... ;p
i'll assume tat u're still single?or u have a perfect gf... ;p

i'm single at the moment, and i did just that to an ex. she was more on the fleshy side, so i had harsher words for her. i have zero tolerance for this especially because she's stating the OBVIOUS. reassurance is one thing, but if i'm going to have to do it repeatedly, it speaks volumes about a person's confidence. utter bollocks.
I'd tell her "no leh...you look and feel the same to me leh...where got fat?". This is to counter those situations when she goes about saying how she FEELS she has put on weight, feels fatter than before, etc...

I'm sure you'd be asked 10294581 more times in your lifetime, so some model answers include:

"Don't worry honey, I'd still love you the same even if you ever turn fat"
"Hey, you're getting fuller in the right places ;)"
"Nonsense, you can still afford to put on more weight"
"Are you kidding me?! I'd call that 'voluptuous'"
"Aiyoh, got a bit of flesh is good lah...unlike those skinny chopstick-figure girls, so unhealthy-looking..."
"Doh! That means we're not doing it enough...How about tonight, honey?" :mrgreen:
You buggers are all useless lah.
Growlingpup, just answer me this, softie to softie - Do you think she's fat?

I don't think she's fat at all. I mean, give me a real woman with real T&A over a stick-thin insect anyday.

She doesn't share my views apparently. Her justification for going on a diet: "If you love me, you'll accept me no matter what size I am right?"

:S. Women!
I'll normally say... yah damn fat, fat like pig like that, so when you going on diet?

works like a charm.
I don't think she's fat at all. I mean, give me a real woman with real T&A over a stick-thin insect anyday.

She doesn't share my views apparently. Her justification for going on a diet: "If you love me, you'll accept me no matter what size I am right?"

Then it's no longer about what you think of her, really. It's more like what she thinks of herself. The diet is basically for herself.

Looking at what you said about her sending you pictures and stuff, and how she going to the extent of going on a diet... I'm a little uncomfortable with what is going on. Then again, that's just me.

You might wanna really talk to her.

My girlfriend went dieting early this year(actually up till now she still is dieting) and although she is considerably hotter now, I still find very... Very... Very... @!$!@#$%, if you get my drift.

And I just can't convince her that she's not fat. No matter how. ):

There was once(recently) she asked me if I would like it if she was back to her original size a year ago(well, cos she thought that I'm more approving of her current figure now). Well, I replied the classic cliche line, "Yeah baby, even if you're fat, bald, yellow, I'd still love you as much." Honestly, that is the truth but she was unconvinced and she sulked for an afternoon after that,


It's tough.
fat chicks being insecure oh my what is the world coming to?

i blame the media (yet again)

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