"Honey, do you think I'm fat?"


New member
Any guys out there get my drift? A boyfriend's worst nightmare I tell you.

What I hate most is when she finds pictures of those stick-thin chicks and keeps sending them to me on MSN and asking me whether I think they're hot. ANd when i say no(truthfully I might add), she accuses me of lying.

Like what the hell man! WHat's a man supposed to do? Sigh...
1) its ok dear, i still love you as much as before, if not even more

2) its ok darling, i love you for who you are, inside and on bed, not size and weight

3) its ok sweetie, like they say, age is not a problem, height is not a distance and weight is not a burden

4) its ok my love, i will eat as much if not even more, to match you

5) its ok creamy bun, my love for you made me blind and oblivous to anything exterial

10) yes you are, please allow me to leave you for somebody else. My freedom, your concern
tell her she's not fat and she's shapely and you like the fact that she actually has an ass unlike those stick thin girls.
Wow. I wouldn't mind using number 10 to be honest. Seriously, if they're like slim/average and they call themselves fat, I seriously pity those who're truly over the line, no offense though.

Luckily my girlfriend doesn't find herself fat =D
hahaahhaha chicks ARE so neurotic ... I tell my wife she's fat all the time

basket now after she went for slimming courses ..... she telling me I'M the fat one .... :twisted: but who gives a flying fox anyway ... :mrgreen:
hmm i'd say "babe , remember what i told you at mac's ... a minute on your lips forever on your hips"
Her point is not to know whether you find her fat or thin.

Her point is to find out whether you still give a sh*t about her feelings.
Her point is not to know whether you find her fat or thin.

Her point is to find out whether you still give a sh*t about her feelings.

Amen. You should write self help books, with the amount of dodgy ones out there, you'll make a killing!
cereal 's right. hahah
women they want the best and worst of both worlds. whatever your answer may be ,damned if you do, damned if you don't, what comes next is for them to tarik you again so you can continue caring for them. here's the situation :

Q) am I fat?
yes (> @#!*$*!)$20428)
ok calm down (>don't ask me to calm down!)
ok I keep quiet (> you don't care!you don't love me anymore) ......


no. (>you're lying)
i'm not lying (>you just lied that you're not lying again)
ok I'm lying. (>why do you always lie to me?)
my answer usually :
"am I fat?"
you want me to tell the truth or lie?
you want the truth with roses, or the truth with roses + thorns ?
roses : yes but you can always slowly slim down ;) <insert sweet words>
roses+thorn : yes you have doublechin,sparetyres, chickenwings and you'll have birthmarks. but I'll save up and pay for your liposuction after you give birth so you'll be one hot mummy like ivy lee / pan ling ling / zoe tay.
"so you have the hots for ivy lee/panlinling/zoetay?"
brb, i need to take a shit.
Just say "you are just the way I like you to be" and always poke fun at her sister's looks and the GIRLS she normally hangs out with like colleagues, cousins, friends etc.Or even better , poke fun at your own colleagues and the girlfriends of your mates.Do all this discreetly when alone with her whenever you feel that she's gonna start asking uncomfortable questions.

And ALWAYS wear sunglasses when you go out with her especially to the beach.