talking about ronin's album only reminds me of one thing...
"... time for a revolution BABY, time for a revolution..." this part of the song keeps ringing in my head... uncomfortably... (pardon me if i got the lyrics wrongly)
its quite amusing that "black maria" is the 1 getting all the airplay, and it took me some time to figure out why this other song keeps ringing in my head, instead.
wat is ronin's agenda, who are they, n wat is their aspiration? have they already had their concept defined, or r they facing an identity crisis?
Their agenda: a true Singapore rock n roll band (my guess). how do we define that then? a rock n roll band made in singapore, or a good ol' american rock n roll band in singapore? sounds more like the latter. actually to be precise, a good ol' american(-wannabe) rock n roll band in singapore.
wat's so special abt ronin? if it is cos they play good american rock n roll, then i rather listen to REAL american rock n roll. (afterall, nothing beats the REAL THING!!!)
stop sounding like americans, the americans are laughing! roots and influences are two different matters altogether. the american slangs and words like "baby" just makes me feel sick. we dun grow up talking like that, we never did.
respect your roots, and all due respect would be given to you. Else the americans would be laughing, and I will be joining them too...
ronin, aren't u suppose to be singapore's answer to rock n roll,
or are you just another american-wannabe that appears in some american ego-trip jokebook? ...sigh.