High, Medium or Low Output Pups? Why?

No prob, ShredCow, thanks for the recommendation, at least I know that Gotch is good replacement for Foyd style bridge :)
has any1 tried seymour duncan livewire heavy metal??cos most ppl think active pups=emg=lousy tone. heh
ShredCow said:
LimpPisskit said:
I never cared about what the output was, or what type of magnet is was or how many polepieces or if there's "air" between the magnets.

You should. They make a big difference to your dynamics. Your guitar is the root of tone, tone starts from the guitar.

Dynamics!!?? I spend lots of $$$ on fx and distortion/boost/OD pedals....just to get rid of dynamics! :lol:
LimpPisskit said:
ShredCow said:
LimpPisskit said:
I never cared about what the output was, or what type of magnet is was or how many polepieces or if there's "air" between the magnets.

You should. They make a big difference to your dynamics. Your guitar is the root of tone, tone starts from the guitar.

Dynamics!!?? I spend lots of $$$ on fx and distortion/boost/OD pedals....just to get rid of dynamics! :lol:

Really ah? The dynamics of the pick up not important to you? I guess you probably define your sound purely from pedals.
Hey Shredcow. So the main difference between Air Norton and Petrucci's modified Air Norton is just the smoothness? Are there any other differences? Thanks.

Hey lyn..

I dunno what is supposed to be the case, but in my experience...

I have my Air Norton with the adjustable screws towards the bridge, which looks wrong, but its "correct" because the wires go straight down....

In that position, the AN is unlike JP's tone. Its got more character, not as glassy and overly smooth.

When I flipped it, adjustable screws to the neck, the tone because very smooth and glassy. There was less of the wet pick attack too. More trebly. I figured that if you had a 24fret guitar, and the AN was positioned like so, you'll nail JP's tone.

Anyway, the Air Norton is THE pup for smoothness, for me at least. Its ridiculously dynamic and the Air Technology does make for longer sustain. Now to try something rough and biting... Evos. :)
Thanks Shred!

You're right about the smoothness of AN. Unbelievable. I got the Air Norton and Steve's Special(both JP modified) set-up. (JP baby!!!)

Anyway, i was thinking Air Norton & Dropsonic.
AN, adjustable screws to the neck

As for the DS, i'm still doing my homework on it :D otherwise, what do you think? Good choice of pups? I'm trying to get a similar JP tone, but not so alike, something with a bit more bite..
Well. JP is using the D Sonic now :)

I don't much have experience with that pup, but ppl at jemsite are raving about it as a great hi gain pup.
ShredCow said:
Well. JP is using the D Sonic now :)

I don't much have experience with that pup, but ppl at jemsite are raving about it as a great hi gain pup.

Yup. Not only great but lots of gain that can be tapped into. Since the DT concert last month, JP's tone has sort of been imprinted on my brain esp after my ears ringing for 2 days after the concert. :smt003

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