Hey James! Do I get a prize for uncovering this?

D3zign3r, i know what i can do. just make the text visible. ha..ha.. everyone happy now.

if you do a search for "Singapore music" in http://www.google.com , you will see

S.O.F.T. - It's Music in Singapore
soft.com.sg is a website dedicated to the local music industry in Singapore. We provide a platform for music lovers, makers, educators, dealers and event ...
www.soft.com.sg/ - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

you scroll down and you will see other links' description. they are usually not good description of their site right?

this is because Google does not know what is in your site. it basically read the first 150 characters and use it.

SOFT would then look like

S.O.F.T. - It's Music in Singapore
Create an account >>Check out SOFT Online Store now!<< January 22, 2007 Login Nickname Password Don't have an account yet? You can create one...
www.soft.com.sg/ - 6k - Cached - Similar pages

not very useful right?

if anyone has any tips on website optimisation, do share with me. i am still learning everyday.

*profit making is good, if we aim to loss money, aren't we being too hard on ourselves?
Oh that's where you're wrong.
And I hope you were just being sarcastic james.

Google still spiders for meta tag descriptions.
All you need is to include "useful" descriptions of soft.com into the meta tag.

eg, <meta name='description' content='blah blah blah'

When searching in google, the meta description will display, and not the first 150 words.

Of course profit making is good, but I specifically recalled, when you just started this website, profit making wasn't your top priority.

Greed got the better of all of us i guess. :)
D3zign3r, sorry if i sounded bad. not my intention. i try to explain better.

1. go to http://www.google.com
2. do a search for "search engine"
3. note the Links and their descriptions
4. right click to open link in new window.
5. right click on page - > view source
6. note the occurance of meta description

how did they get those description in the search result?

* if something is good, then we should do it.
I don't quite understand your question.
But those descriptions are entered when you submit your url to dmoz.
You didnt know that? :?
azlan, it is ok, i need to learn.

D3zign3r, regarding dmoz, i have never used it. i did a search for SOFT in it and the description - "A forum based community for music related topics."


You mentioned Google uses the Meta Description tag, i rasied the point that it might not be the case. try out the procedure in my post above.

for those who are not following what D3zign3r and myself are discussing, we are sharing information on how Search Engine look at a website and list them when someone does a search.
i have 'uncovered' it already. you see those white text (3 paragraphs) ? those were in black previously.

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