Hey guys Nigel needs our support!


New member
Hi guys there, I just wanna show something that I experienced today. I went to Drum Resources together to buy some drum stuff and of course, Nigel was there. I was astonished by all the drumsets he set up. But he told me, all these gotta go! The poor man has not been getting people come down to at least try the drumset on displays.

He's looking for somewhere new and will move out of the place! I mean really what a waste. After all, the rent is too much for him to bear and his target audience is mainly the local drumming community. It's really definitely not easy to be in his shoes! Guys, do check out the place if you haven (I think it's the closest you can get to a dedicated local drum store locally or local Guitar Centre).

I saw some Black Panthers for clear out. And some popcorn snares in 12" and 10".
There were some Mapex kits on sale too.

Tuned low and old school Pearl 7-8pc (Can't remember)


Black Panthers
To be honest, I have always liked Nigel's service and the products he carry. I used to drop by his shop (when it was still at Excelsior) often. The main problem now is location. While it is a lot bigger than the old place, it is a little out of the way. At least for me, that is the main reason why I have not dropped by his new place.

I sincerely hope that he will be able to find a better location soon. Keep the flame burning Nigel! :)
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Nigel's a great guy with a big heart. Retail can be a really tricky business, especially if you're serving a pretty small market.

I'm just thinking, perhaps with sky-rocketing rentals, it might be worthwhile considering a move to the web for the time being? A partial move with a smaller physical outlet to minimize overheads? With lower overheads, Nigel might potentially be able to offer even better deals, encouraging more customers to purchase from him.

That's one area local retailers have neglected, probably because they think "Our country/island is so small that people will rather just travel down to our shops."

With an online store, the market widens considerably to include customers in the SEA region too, especially if Nigel carries products that have no other distributors in the region.

I personally would love the convenience of ordering stuff like heads/sticks and miscellaneous accessories on-line. I believe a good number of us are already used to buying stuff online. What to do, we're lazy people :D

Anyway, all this is from a consumer's perspective - just empty talk. I can only imagine how tough it can be to run a retail business.

Best wishes, Nigel.
It will be very helpful if someone can tell me the address of nigel's place.


store location:
Blk 221 Henderson Road
#05-16 Henderson Building
Singapore 159557

opening hours:
12pm - 7pm (Mon to Sat)
any time after 7pm, kindly call to make appointment
closed on sundays & public holidays

contact us:
phone (local): +65 9117 0692
phone (overseas): +65 9732 5063
fax: +65 9393 7607
email: enquiries@drumsresources.com
msn id: drumsresourcesmusicplace
skype id: drumsresourcesmusicplace

i've been wanting to go too, but i dont know my way there and its kinda inconvenient....gotta go there one of these days...
Hey Nigel if you get to see this. Keep burning man dude. you have been doing a great service to us drummers. yea. in the past when you were at exclesior i would drop by once in a while. but dude since you went to henderson. wa far for me la. hope you will get your stuff sold!

as mel80 said its the location. sorry if i said anything offensive
I finally visited the shop today. The first thing I saw was the counter. Nothing to impress me yet, but when I turned right from the counter and saw all the stuff he had on display, my jaw dropped! It's really sad that such a place had to go. I don't think there will be another shop like this again.
I bought a 9" Epad and 3 drumsticks from Nigel the other day...saw his cute kid too. The place ain't that bad ( location wise ) once you get used to it. I consider myself lucky because I'm familair with the area hehe.
Exactly guys! I can almost say THERE IS NO OTHER OUTLET IN SINGAPORE LIKE DRUM RESOURCES! Honestly guys, inconvenience, no time, out of the way? Surely you guys can do much better, it's definitely worth going down for!
huh...wait the shop isnt gonna be there in e near future ?

i wanna go test out e earplugs, practice pads and sticks and pedals...buying e epads maybe
I cant say for Nigel, but from what he's told me he certain did sound like he was relocating. I don't think anytime soon but you ought to check it out asap.

You can take buses to Bukit Merah Interchange and walk from there.
Oh one more thing, Nigel don't accept Nets anymore so bring moo-lah only!
Guess business isn't too brisk there cause of the location..Furthermore, the drum market is pretty small.I guess from the info gather here, he need more sales to maintain the place.

I suppose he is looking for a better location but without the luxury of such kinda display and also the freedom to hang around and test out stuff in such a conducive environment as his current place..

So I guess if you guys wanna see such kinda of shop...make an effort to go down to give your support..

I just went down the other day and bought some 3 drumsticks ...sad to see it go really..
And no shop allows you to test cymbals like Nigel's shop....

He will bring out all possible models and similiar.....make sure you are satisfied...

And this guy...he bring in so many models...even more then some of the BIG music store..

The reason why I buy Istanbul Mehmets is that I can really test till I am really satisfied....sometimes really need time to test a cymbal before deciding...
Hmm, how big can S'pore be? How lost can we get? Didn't most of us go to a factory outlet twice a year because of a great sale there? That factory outlet is pretty out of the way too isn't it? To us, though Henderson is not as convenient as Peninsula, but that doesn't mean it is out of the way. For good services and wide range of selection, let these motivate you to travel there. Plus, Nigel is a great guy. :)
The thing about Nigel is how much he cares about every single customer. You don't have to look like you have an arsenal of amazing chops up your sleeve, or like you are able to afford the most expensive item in his shop for him to make you feel like you're at home (unlike certain other music shops around).

The moment you enter his shop you are guaranteed to be warmly greeted by him. While browsing through, he doesn't breathe down your neck like some irritating sales people do. Rather, he allows you to take your own sweet time and he'll be right there for you should you have any queries/requests. When checking out, he notes down your name and tries his hardest to remember you on your next visit.

This kind of service is quite hard to find anywhere in Singapore, let alone our local music shops.

I've been to both his Excelsior and Henderson outlets, and I would have to say that it's his love of drums and serving the local drum community that made him move. The tiny little shop in Excelsior was but a fishbowl that could not in any adequate manner accommodate his dreams.

Every drummer in Singapore should check out his shop every now and then. His collection is pretty sick. I bought myself a Istanbul Mehmet Sultan Series crash ride, and I can happily say that it was well worth every single cent.

Thanks drumsolo86 for bringing Nigel's situation to light!