Help: VHT S6 Ultra Combo or Jet City 20w Combo

Don't bother change the reverb tubes. With the JCA2112RC, I went with Tungsols, sounded pretty good. Going to try JJ's on my JCA50h. Have a Tungsol in V1 right now, the rest stock. Big improvement.
Yeah, it's important to ensure that the tubes in V2 and V3 have the 12AX7 gain rating, else you'll get a overall drop in reverb volume; Some people don't mind that, saying it attributes to a warmer-sounding reverb. If you ever want more clean headroom out of the JCA2112RC, just change out V1 to say, a 5751 or 12AT7. When I changed out my tubes(all 7 of them), it cost me $150 because I was very particular about which tube I wanted in which position. A cost-effective approach to changing out the stock tubes(if you wish) is to replace the preamp tubes with Sovtek 12AX7-WBs and the power tubes with JJ EL84s. These tubes are sturdier and more reliable in terms of construction and lifespan compared to the stock Chinese tubes, and won't break the bank either.
All 7 for just 150? Theres a seller
selling me 2x tungsol 12ax7 and
1x RCA 6V6 for $140! Where you
get it at?
Btw, any chance i can get good cab
for below $200? I need openback
cab. Mines a closeback. Or can i just
take off the back cover of my cab?
I like placing the amp near the wall
and the bass vibrates my room wall!
The tubes I got were all current production ones from Martin Electronics at Burlington Square. NOS tubes still too rich for my blood lol. I think someone is selling a Lopoline open-back cab equipped with a Vox speaker. Can go search the classifieds amp section for it.
Anyone know wat simple mods
i can do to my Special 6 head
besides changing the tubes? It
have abit of hums n hiss. More
hums when i switch to my single
mid pickup. No prob with bridge
and neck. Shud i do something to
the amp or buy a noise gate pedal?
Single coil 60-cycle hum that's why.
Other than that, make sure the amplifier is connected via a 3-pin plug not 2-pin.
Hey guys! My VHT SP6 combo
coming tomorrow! Cant wait!
Tried the JCA2112 and the VHT
and TO MY EARS, the VHT sounds
better. No saying the jet city is bad
but thats in my own perspectives.
Now, i wanna know where selling
JJ or Tungsol tubes? Can i change
my 6v6 to 6L6?
Martin Electronics at Burlington Square. 6L6s should work fine, the website does state that it can "accept a wide range of alternate output tubes", but it's best to email the manufacturer and ask or find answers from other owners.
Ive seen it can fit in el84 too.
But im not sure. Need to play
it few weeks or so to see n hear
wat i need. A darker or brighter
tube. More gain or less gain.

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