Help the Burmese People Receive Aid in Cyclone Aftermath


People.. Play your part. Its the least you guys can do.

People are suffering so so much there and we're having a good life here.

They did nothing to deserve their current plight now.

IMHO, The Junta thinks that they can do and solves everything themselves.

-Why didnt they inform the Burmese people of the incoming cyclone?
-They think that they can still control the situation?
-By not letting in aid and relief workers, god knows if the donations reach the people suffering or just lands in the Junta's Hand.
-Military rule. So what if they are the military? Dont the military care for their own fellow people?

What on Earth is the Junta trying to prove. HELLO.. YOUR PEOPLE ARE SUFFERING.

Let pray for the people of Burma.

Sign this petition! Thats the least we can do.

Start signing now. What are you waiting for?
dude , please put your emotions aside and think rationally.
despite the good intentions of this petition, like all petitions this one does nothing.
infact, there will be people who will refuse to donate because of this."i signed this petition already what! what else you want me to do!"
this is not the time to hit out on the militarist govt, even the Free Burma Action Organization in Singapore has stood down on its political activities and focused on fund raising.
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I'm as sympathetic as everyone here on the situation, and if i was of any power, i'd help those Myanmar citizens, both those affected or not affected by the cyclone. (Because of the regime)

But yet i would not donate any money to them, for my reason being that the money that we all raise, might go to waste (other hands), quoting the Junta, "We need cash relief and funding help".

I believe all the money that we are putting in to help those citizens, only a small portion (10%) or maybe even none would be given to those citizens. Politically, this is what we read and know.

Only IMHO - 20 cents worth. Thats only what i think, i may be wrong.
By the way, the military took the food relief away when it first
touched down on myanmar soil. So... unless the mil. gov. open
themselves, I'm not gonna give anything.

sounds selfish, but if my aid's not gona reach the needy, then
theres no point.

Once again, I urge you all to be "knowing" when donating to
any one or any org. Donate to a reputable org. like the redcross.
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^ That is very true. Such a tyrant, the military government should open up. Reminds me alot of Rambo 4. It really reflects the true face of Myanmar/Burma.
This is a moment of fire fighting. A BIG BIG fire and we need lots of water to fight it.

If our firefighter has no water, there's no way they can do anything. But if they have lots of water, even if only 10% of it directly land on the fire. We still have 10% chance of surviving.

We now live in a time of change. We must take action to make things better.

Singapore Red Cross Website
SOFT is right.

At least the victims receives something.. Its better than nothing.

People. Lets do all we can..

Whatever we can help, lets help.

Mayb the good lord bless the victims.
Charity Gig.

Two tin cans from the SRC will be travelling around during this gig to collect donations from everyone!! Please do come down to enjoy a night of great music, as well as to raise funds for the Singapore Red Cross.

Spread the word!!! (no... the word ain't 'legs'... sorry guys)

To those who might think... "Walau, this is like the Live Earth Concert, say don't waste energy, but actually waste alot more electricity"... This is a really really really low budget event where alot of stuff has be bargained (I did it myself k) or in the process of bargaining so that we do not spend too much money, and raise more instead. The event itself is a good way of encouraging these companies to 'donate' indirectly in a sense, so that whatever you guys give us on that day itself, everything can be channelled towards a good cause, be it the cyclone victims whose military government cares more about money than people, or the quake victims, whose sheer population, as well as flimsy infrastructure has cost thosands of lives, and counting.

Btw, there has been a forcast, that because some mountains in China collided during this earthquake, a water source may be released and could possibly flood an entire valley. If this happens, experts project that over a million people could die in a very short period of time. Imagine one quarter of your friends disappearing...

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i second what soft has said, donation is more effective than the petition.
no intention to hijack this thread but i'd like to plead to my fellow softies to also help the earthquake victims in sichuan, china. people and governments around the world have so far raised billions of dollars but the the rebuilding effort will require alot more. till now over 30000 people are confirmed dead and thousands more are still missing and probably will never be found. over 5 million are left homeless, thousands of children became orphans and many parents have also lost their children. towns are levelled and will have to be rebuilt.
your donation needs not be monetary, the following supplies are also in high demand in the affected areas:
Food and Water
Chlorine tablets to purify water
Medical supplies
Body bags
Tents and Sleeping bags
gloves and masks

the following org provide online donation services

China Red Cross:
China Children and Teenagers' Fund:
China Charity:
World Vision (Taiwan):
Global Giving
  GlobalGiving: donate to grassroots projects; education, health, microfinance
Salvation army Hong Kong
  The Salvation Army Hong Kong and Macau Command
  Mercy Corps
  Mercy Corps - Be the Change
American Red Cross
  American Red Cross: China Relief Fund
alternatively, You could use Posb or DBS ibanking to donate, under the "red cross for china earthquake"
in the "pay bill" option

or donate directly to the chinese embassy in singapore, they accept supplies as well as monetary donations.

China has started a 3 day national mourning for the victims yesterday. I have been following the news for a week now and it breaks my heart every time i see the horrifying images on tv or in the papers. Hopes of finding more survivors are dwindling after almost 200 hr, and there are more urgent matters such as controlling diseases to attend to. Singapore has provided immense support in this crisis by providing rescue squads and tonnes of aids. I hereby extend my gratitude on behalf of my fellow Chinese.

hope paganified won't mind that i put it here coz i don't wanna start another thread, saves space.
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