Anyone for a little more competition in the scene?

And about competition, there definitely is competition in the scene. You don't expect the bands to go around announcing it do you? Wanting to outdo another is part of human nature, every band strives to be better than the next. Also, it's another topic entirely if the band is doing it as a hobby or if the band has the ambition to make it on an international scale. Competitiveness has to depend on how far a band is willing to go. But that being said, competition exists on every level.
Frankly, discussing how we should help the scene is a very very pointless thing. Anyone who really cares about music should just get a plane ticket, seriously.
tim.don't need to show ur smartness here.
this thread doesn't benefit the elite singapore bands at all.
its useless to talk about here.f o.

Problem is your elite ain't very elite at all. Just an observation.

Besides, that comment was rude and pointless, I'm feel that this thread is actually rather valid, since I've actually noticed that Singaporeans on general avoid conflict. Apparently this conflict of interests arises from people like me, who have an interest in conflict...

I agree with you somewhat. Only on the publicity side, and I don't mean friendly competition either.
Like if say Allura says Caracal sucks donkey balls, then Caracal says Allura are a bunch of shitfaces. Then people would be like "OMG MAN, did you hear that blahblahblahbbalh". So, if the scene becomes more interesting, I suppose that would help it.
Wouldn't necessarily support the idea, though like everyone else, I would thoroughly enjoy seeing them fight it out.
In the end, shitty bands fighting it out will still produce shitty music. pretty sure.

The scene should be more about the music rather than having some WWE drama to drive it, that'll just make the whole scene drive on a gimmick that will soon die off.

COMPETITIONS BETWEEN BANDS NEED TO BE AUTHENTIC, having competition and criticising another band just for the sake of getting attention is a gimmick.
AEnimic I definitely see your point, about it being a gimmick and that it could die out soon. However this is something that has never been done really before right? So we cannot be definitely sure of what might happen.

Like bleedsnomore you've said that bands here should help each other. We've been doing this for so long, how about a change?

You have to admit, gimmick or not, it has the potential to improve the general popularity of the music scene.
The scene should be more about the music rather than having some WWE drama to drive it, that'll just make the whole scene drive on a gimmick that will soon die off.

COMPETITIONS BETWEEN BANDS NEED TO BE AUTHENTIC, having competition and criticising another band just for the sake of getting attention is a gimmick.

where did i say "let's have bands insult each other!"
I said, if that happened, it would be interesting and would probably give publicity to the scene.

Anyway, I think engelfauste makes a very good point. Singaporeans in general avoid conflict. These forums are living proof of that.
and look at how james runs it. he closes any threads that have any form of argument on it. Truly a singaporean forum.
These forums are living proof of that.
and look at how james runs it. he closes any threads that have any form of argument on it. Truly a singaporean forum.

With conflict causing trouble all over the world, the last thing i want is to have conflict in SOFT. Let SOFT be a nice place for nice people.
I fully understand what blank was trying to say in the quoted text by James, and agree with it. It is for some reason an inate Singaporean trend or mindset to veer off any conflict in any way for any possible reason, regardless of any possible good that could come out of it.
can't everybody live in peace and stop slagging each other? No wonder there is chaos in the world everyone is just SO angsty and unhappy and bursting with discontent that people can't exercise any semblance of self-control and self-respect anymore - to the point every thread that starts off with the best of intentions end up as a shooting contest between forum usernames.

It's a very nice forum full of nice people, it's sad that some depressing individuals choose to make everything a hostile argument

now go stand in a corner and reflect on your behaviors
but nahz. no competitions. friendly rivalries maybe yes, but this isn't battle of the bands. the bands involved will probably spend too much time competing with each other over idkidc and it'll water down their music quality
conflict can be good when it's productive.

me and my guitarist are best buds, but we disagree about almost everything when it comes to music. we one-up each other all the time, and we've both pushed each other farther than either of us could have gone on our own.

same applies to bands, i'm sure.
the singapore local scene aint big enough to hold rivalries and such. if theres one, only people who are in the scene would bother. and how many is that? the public wouldnt care about the hype.

blur and oasis can afford to have feuds and rivalries. their culture allows it. blur is the more upper class band from london, while oasis is the lower class band from manchester. they have a reason to feud. whats there to feud in singapore?

local bands need to look out for each other cause we all represent one scene. we are under one scene. we are not representing tampines or jurong (just an example).
palauXubinXblackXmetalXcore represent!

competition good what, see american idol!

even if you're not competing with others, you're competing with yourself!
conflict can be good when it's productive.

me and my guitarist are best buds, but we disagree about almost everything when it comes to music. we one-up each other all the time, and we've both pushed each other farther than either of us could have gone on our own.
thats one good example of a responsible and matured band. :)
rivalries are alright, as long as they do it responsibly and not make make an ass out of themselves (or one another), cuz like previous poster said, it'll just turn out to be another wwe drama gimmmick. i am talking abt everything in general, not just bands.
we dun need another levan vs james. it disgusts me.
the singapore local scene aint big enough to hold rivalries and such. if theres one, only people who are in the scene would bother. and how many is that? the public wouldnt care about the hype.

blur and oasis can afford to have feuds and rivalries. their culture allows it. blur is the more upper class band from london, while oasis is the lower class band from manchester. they have a reason to feud. whats there to feud in singapore?

local bands need to look out for each other cause we all represent one scene. we are under one scene. we are not representing tampines or jurong (just an example).

can u just releks and have fun. jeez. so serious. most peeps are taking everything so serious and thats where the boundaries start coming in. CHILL. this competing thing is fun. whether youre the winner or not. and we gotta show people that we battle, we won or lost = having a great time playing music. and for those narrow minded people trying to compare and taking things so seriously about the competition can jolly well..
Well, we can always experiment and see if this work. I need 2 bands to volunteer.

can u just releks and have fun. jeez. so serious. most peeps are taking everything so serious and thats where the boundaries start coming in. CHILL. this competing thing is fun. whether youre the winner or not. and we gotta show people that we battle, we won or lost = having a great time playing music. and for those narrow minded people trying to compare and taking things so seriously about the competition can jolly well..

hahaha. you relax also ah. im just stating my opinion like everyone else in this thread. just because i disagree, kena jolly well... -.-

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