HELP: some problem with my wah


New member
Hi all,

Pls help. I have an issue with my crybaby gcb95. The issue is as follows:

i had this gcb95 for close to half a year and it was rather under-utilised as compared to my other efx so i decided to sell it on soft.

eventually, i sold the gcb95 to some softie the other day. before i left to meet him, i did a quick check to see if the wah was ok, and it was, meaning to say that it performed what it was meant to perform. shortly after the deal, the guy smsed me saying "thanks bro, everything works ok".

a few hours later, he called and say that something was wrong with it. He said that there was this odd and sharp 'chucking' sound everytime he steps on the wah to the max. he didnt know what was wrong with it. me either, coz i have never had such a problem with the wah. he demanded a refund.

now i m in a fix. should i give him the refund? he said it was ok initially and complained of the problem only hours later. any suggestions?

anyway, my suggestion to him is to seek professional technical help first before demanding for a refund, the most i pay for the repair if the repair is not too ex.

later, he said he consulted his friends who thought that the prob was due to a dirty pot. the next day, he brought it to a guitar shop, and over the phone he said that the repairman told him that it was a dirty pot, then he smsed to say it is actually a faulty pot.

now i m puzzled becoz there were inconsistencies as to wht he told me. after consideration, i have 3 conclusions:
1) he mishandled the wah, that was y he initially said it was fine, then suddenly said there was problem with it.
2) there was a prob with the wah all along, just that i didnt realise it.
3) somewhere during the meet-up and deal, the wah suffer some damage thus causing it to sound weird. but that will be just to coincidental.

so readers, how? and is there anyone who is expert in technical issue of a wah and tell me what problem is it? i have not receive the wah and refunded the money, so i have yet to hear the problem for myself. according to the buyer, it was a sharp 'chucking' sound when he rock the wah forward to the high pitch end to the max.
don't quote me but based on what you've typed....

1) It could be the switch. Old/faulty stomp switches sometimes may cause some noise expecially when the wah is rocked forward. Which is what the user now is facing.
2) A bad pot usually sounds like static all the way around.
3) If GCB95 are still made the way they are, the pots used are HotpotzII or something like that. A sealed version. If you've barely played it, it should still be ok.

BUT I MAY BE WRONG... really. One can never be able to tell you what is wrong till they actually look at the unit. The tech at the shop may be right too, if not how he become tech? :mrgreen:

Oh... and I don't do mods or repairs.
I am the buyer of the wah. this is what is actually happen. I have bought the wah from ymmak who is the starter of this thread. when i saw the price for this gcb 95 i was quite happy to be honest $70 and ask for a discount as I am travelling down and got it at $65. kept my word went down pick up the pedal. was told it was third hand but did not mind cos pedal was adverise to be in 10/10 working condish. went to home test for 5 mins cos gf called so had to report strength lah. so sms seller working fine cos i din have much time to really test it out.
but after that i went back n test it fully. realise that there was a problem. every time at close position u have to tap your toes down there is a loud clicking hissing sound.called my friends and ask whats the problem was told pod is faulty/dirty means the same thing. So i called seller back n enquired but was told it was working fine all along. seller even ask me how i use the wah? and advice me i shouldnt play notes over it as its a very basic wah. this qns to me really puzzled me. it leads me to thinking the seller dunno his own equipment as he told me he has never solo over it b4 and just onli play with it for a short while everytime. If i cant solo using the wah n whack it at full volume to maximise the potential of the wah then use it for what? This was wat i was offered to go n get it repaired and buyer will bear the cost if repairs too high then he will refund me.
ok woke up early in the morning at 9am and went to guitar workshop at 11am talk to francis the owner of the shop. check and told me that repairs n changing of the pod cost abt $60 to $70. called back seller was and told him that and was promised a refund and he would meet me at serangoon mrt at around 6plus. received an sms around 4plus saying on 2nd thoughts he would not refund me at all. cos he felt i could have been the one who spoilt it.

I am not trying to sound biased n all that but would just want to know whats everyone's opinion on how I feel.

1)was promised a 10/10 working condish pedal din mind cosmetic defects and was happy to get it at $65 which is really good i must say but in the end faulty.
2)i did not use it for a few days then called back n say spoilt cos that i admit would be my problem already
3)how can a working 10/10 condish item spoil in just a few hrs? to be fair it was on the same night we deal that i called back.
4) i adhere to seller's T's&C's met him up at his convenice and when found that pedal is spoilt did not die die want a refund but still gave in to seller's request to get it fixed, went all the way out of my way to ask for expert opinion and wasted the Francis time in checking the pedal for me in the end never even let him earn anything.
5) called seller n was promised a refund but seller went back on his word and say never did he promised any refund and then say where did he ever send me an sms saying refund.
well i kept the sms on (Hey. On 2nd thought, i will not refund the money to u. Sorry.) well if you did not promised a refund then why the words on 2nd thoughts? i dared u to say u never gave me your word and agreed to meet me at 6plus at serangoon mrt for the refund. say it. you can say you never but you know you did and if you can lived with it that you are a liar then thats good for you
still kept the sms and can provide photo evidence.
6) kept my side of the bargain went out of way to do everything swee swee steady but in the end got played out.
7) why would i want to spoil my pedal? been a musician for over 10 yrs and even have grade 8 in guitars. have always learnt n know the impt of protecting our equipment.
8) its seriously not abt the money lah, $65 to me is really nothing. to being with i tot i scored on a very good deal. to me principles are what counts, if u r a man of your word then kindly keep it to the end cos i have kept mine. I have proof of me actually going down n getting a quote cos i was there and ppl can prove it if we actualli have to go back n prove.
9) while keeping my side of the bargain so far n doing everything so steady, i wasnt even offered at least some money back or a kind gesture. but was accuse of spoiling it myself.
seriously you post working condish 10/10 2nd product ppl also at least expect it to last like a few months rite? cos its 2nd hand cant ask for brand new work 2 to 3 yrs... but a few hrs???
seriously cannot be rite.
10) all these while i have been the person doing all the running around, being led on a wild goose chase n in the end all to no avail.
would like to know what the seller have done to ensure customer satisfaction? i have done my part in all his requests. but none of mine was met. maybe only one which is the price reduction of $5 dollars but i am sure all my transport fees would have exceeded it by now.

this is the link to what he posted. if he changed it, i already took pics of it. can post it up on request

I dont want to brag or anything. but i have been a playing for more than 10yrs and am a music instructor at a local music school.
at least I would know how to take care of an equipment n have the knowledge to treat and use it properly.
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i have bought 2 pedals from the user marilyn, and i can testify that he has his basic knowledge as a seller. he doesn't talk about what he doesn't know, neither does he hide what he knows and thus, i can assure that he is as honest as he seems, definitely wouldn't lie in a deal. with this, i guess his traits of a seller can also apply to him as a buyer, and would only report a fault if it had really been a fault, and ( i do not know who is at fault here) but if the marilyn took care of the product since he bought it, he couldn't have been the one to spoil it so it was prolly alr spoilt. Ymmaks claims could be possible too, but for what i have to say, Marilyn is extremely trustworthy in a deal and you do not have to doubt him when he states claims. all the best to the both of you.
But if you already agreed to the refund, why get cold feet at the last minute. To be honest, it sounds like the wah might have been faulty from the start
i think the wah was spoilt in the 1st place man. it just that u didnt know. im guessing. most probably u sold marilyn a spoilt wah without actually knowing that it was spoilt. but bro nano is right. y go back on your word at the last min?
hmmm .. i think its fair to get a full refund in this case.
since the wah broke on the very day it exchanged hands...

and we all know how hard it is to Break a wah pedal...

i think it was left unused for an extended period of time.
Use for few mins its ok ... one serious use started, certain key components couldnt work as it used to.
actualli the footswitch is also faulty cos its supposed to be very easy to turn it on by just using my hands.

but i actually have to apply pressure to push it on.

it means that i cant turn it on when i am seating down and can onli turn it on when i am standing up.

i already let this go n din want to mention actually.

or maybe all my years of training as a school football player did not pay off and made my legs weak.

thanks to the fellow softies who gave their honest opinions
marilyn, for a wah, it can be PRETTY hard to turn it on by hands but easy with the foot. ;)

and.... 60-70 is too much to pay for a pot. ;)

and... i still have a very strong hunch its the switch. ;)
erm edder i agree with u that its hard but so far i am able la so thats why i said i feel ok nvm $65 don ask too much also but my point is now the wah is not working lei. and i have done as the seller requested and give in so far but onli to be played out on.

i also agree 60 to 70 is too much to ask for for a repair
thats why i respected the seller n not demanded on that. but kindly just ask for a refund.
seriously the wah i feel is built to last a war. its damn heavy. i don think i can spoil it myself

i just want ppl know that if you gave your word n keep it thats all. till now i have kept mine and just kindly ask the seller that keep his promises be a man and do the right thing.

I have been nice so far till now when i saw this thread and to be honest I don like it cos I feel the seller is trying to act innocent and all and just left out a few details here n there on what he actually said.

just be honest n come clean a promise is a promise pls be a man n honour it
hmmm if third-hand, how can 10/10 condition? there's got to be some defects.
i can believe if it's 7/10 or 8/10..

yea i'm not too sure who's at fault here. so i can't help much. i guess it's probably it's age. too old maybe? haven't been repaired yet or something. but then again, like edder, i may be wrong

Ymmak... my suggestion - Test out the pedal to hear it for yourself and verify the claims of hissing or chucking sound to establish whether the was the problem there already or only occur after handing over etc...and then yall can work out something from there.

I have not used GCB95 b4 but my humble opinion: could the hissing = noise? Thats pretty normal for certain pedals due to the components inside. Sometimes the noise is more noticeable thru different amps. So could the problem could be a "subjective" problem?

but don't get me not trying to defend ymmak...
No hissing problems with mine.. But mine is a modded piece..
Sometimes the seller is unaware that such issues would pop up within a few hours of usage..
Hey.. Shit happens! Whether it was intentional or not, now that is left for them to decide eh?
Let this be a lesson to all.....

when i sell gear first request to buyer is to call me asap after first trial.
Guess what !!! They don't !!!!

So i have made it a practise to call back a day after and insist on a report on the item(s) sold. Thereafter any claims will be conditional.

btw only an idiot will see '10/10' on a used item as a fact....
chialat la like tat...

bro marilyn is a guy who knows how to kip his stuff... bought a lot from him and is very in good hands. an honest guy.

its diff if marilyn called to say abt the fault like a day or 2 days later... then there might be a possibility marilyn did sumtink to it.but after a few hours? lol

bro nanoshred have a point.
why back out last minit after agreed on a refund?

no good u noe... where's the love?
be a man do the right thing.
hello TS?.. anybody home?..
yeah we should all learn a lesson from it.
I believe the pedal may already have been faulty but thats the sellers responsiblity for not doing an all round test of the pedal. i would say half a refund would be good enough but yeah, backin out.. dude..

so what if deals have been dealt smoothly over the many pedals the ts have sold, it just takes a cockroach in a plate of kway tiao to spoil the reputation of a 10yr famous kway tiao stall.

Im not tryin to say that the TS should not sell his items ever again but everyone makes mistakes so if both parties can come to an agreement that would be the best.

my 5cents.
think seller chabot already lah. hope u guys be wary of who u deal with next time n for goose respect to you.

goose if u see this can u pmed me how much would u charge to mod a wah?

just asking yea