help!!original or not??


New member
im bough this bass from someone who post on this forum ,my friend told me tat this bass is not original,the pick up,the bridge,the electrical n the pickguard is not original:(:(:(so im really need ur guys to help me to jugde wats wrong with this bass....





why should that even matter? unless the original pickups were swapped out for duds and the electronics barely work, i don't see a problem.

anyway, bridge looks like a standard five-hole Fender bridge, pickguard should be correct since it's a CIJ, and many CIJ models have the extra holes in the pg for the pickup cover and thumbrest. impossible to tell for pickups since they look the same. don't know what Fender electronics look like, so i can't tell.

it all looks fine to me. go ask your friend why he thinks it's not original or something.
thx b33r to reply,my friend told me tat the original pots should be bigger than this.Actually im very happy with the sound n everythings from this bass,but since got someone told me some parts of this bass is not original(im really dont know wats the original look like),so im wish can get some result from u guys!! thx again.....
now that you mention it those pots do look small, but i don't know what kind of electronics Fender Japan uses. if it gives you peace of mind, go ahead and upgrade them to something of higher quality, shouldn't cost much.
thx u guys to reply!!!!but the problem is ,im bought this bass bcoz of this forum n we still donno this bass is ORI or not,then im can't contact the guy who sold me this bass from yesterday until right now,so im a little bit confuse bcoz im donno wat should im do now.......:(:(:(:(
if it plays and sounds well, then there's absolutely nothing to be worried about. the only time when you should be concerned about originality of parts is when buying vintage instruments, when even the slightest modification could reduce the resale value of an otherwise period-perfect bass.
I guess the TS is concerned that the bass might be a counterfeit rather than the real thing, i.e. a Fender which he thought he paid for. And from the replies, it does seem to point that it just might be Fender Jazz Bass with original CIJ Body and Neck with possibly upgraded?/modded other hardwares.

Valid concern IMHO. TS, were you expecting CTS type pots (20cents coin sized) rather than the 10cents coin sized pots?

Anyway, nothing much to can help except maybe these links for comparison.
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You're friend's probably just jealous. Hahaha. But if you like the tone and you're content with the bass, then i guess there should be nothing much to worry about except the resale value.
if its well finished, it shouldnt be a fake, furthermore i suppose the MIA and signature models are the ones counterfeited more.
It does look like your pickups are not original, the ones in the website picture for Japanese fender looks like the pickups have raised pole pieces, yours look flat. If the pickups are changed and the wiring looks brandnew maybe they have been rewired as well.

Other than that, i can't see much.
pups and electronics look like they have been modded. not stock. other than that the neck looks original, body we can't really tell from the pics, but i don't see why it would not be original.