Help me guyz!! Digitech Gnx4, Podxt live or Bossgt6?

hey...thanks for all ur 2 cents worth abt e korg model..appreciate it..hey btw what does it means actually by being tweakable ar?? like wat is e tweaking thing?? hehehe not to sure there...sorry bro's...
no worries, add more 2 cents worth and u might get a dollar of advice. keke. anyways, "tweakable" = configurability. editing power. cheers
I would go for the GNX4, the only thing really wrong with it is that it doesnt come with a decent bag, so gigging with it is kind of hard. However it sounds great, I would have though it would have given a more fake digital sound but NOPE, it has the warmth and clarity of analogue equipent. It's really easy to use and set up and I can always find the tone I am looking for. For recording it's pretty damn good but unless you have a boatload of RAM you will suffer many many drop outs.
i agree with beckerfan...juz listen to my latest recording at open mic and u'll know GNX is realli damn good...but i use it only when im lazy :P
for playing live u need to experiment a bit and gain more experience on tweaking..its simple and fast to set it up for live once u get used to it... :smt023
audio said:
or u might wanna wait for GNX2000..i dont tink the price will be over $1000

GNX2000 at authorise distributor should be around S$ 500. May be a little bit more.
I asked Swee Lee to order it for me, even offer to pay deposit but they can’t confirm the price and availablity. I have been waiting for many weeks and still no news. Even GNX4 is not available at Swee Lee.

Looks like I have to buy GNX2000 from USA.
personally i feel the digitech series are more versatile than the pod series...the pod series has very good clean sounds an acoustic modelling but overall i think if u like hot lead sounds a digitech would be better....but both of them are amazing...a quick question tho whats the diff between the pod xt live and teh pod xt apart from the casing?
oh...podxt live is like e latest version and is a floorboard all in a normal multi effect thingy with all new stuffs in it...e podxt is a bean shape thingy with no foot control so u will have to buy separate floorboard to control it if u are playing life.

btw..looks like all this digitech stuffs hard to get in singapore troublesome...hhaha now i want to compare digitech gnx2000 with podxt live since their both ard e same price..

but the problem is both also not available in singapore rite now..podxt live i think will come ard june while e digitech..nobody know...haiz...
thought the podxt live is available since Dec04?

i like podxt...but i prefer podxt pro..
to really test this baby...u need a poweramp/cabs combo...

its simply yummy..
xklusivly4u said:
Pod XT Live – multi effects, lots of amp models, USB interface that is very cool feature as you can store all your patches in the computer and you have software to edit every parameter of your effects and amp settings.
Recording is also possible via USB, so you don’t need additional hardware like midi for PC recording. But there is no recording software included, so you need to prepare to pay for recording software. Line6 riff tracker software for Pod XTL owner is about 99 USD. No built in drum machine by the way.
Price: 670 S$

juz went to citymusic yesterday, saw the price of the pod XTL is listed @ $795, did they juz raised the price or will there b discount given tt will bring the price to $670?
hahaha...nah its the same there...there will always tell u the after discount price...standard biz strategy...its sort off give the buyer that he gets a so called discounted price.
eh u live at siglap ah? keke...used to live around there. anyways, did u manage to find out exactly when their xt's are arriving?

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