Help. Band stuffs.


New member
hey guys... just wanted to ask some stuffs..

its like my band is proceeding very slowly and this weekend we're gonna have a jam again. but its all covers. im getting sick of it as all of them want this and that song... after jamming, go home. maybe in msn talk c**k abit then end day.

i do have originals i suppose but how do u guys somehow, get together to discuss? or rather, do u guys go around each other's house and play around? then somehow write out a song? cause its like, we've been jamming for almost.. 3 4 months? with the proper lineup that is. my band's been around for 2 yrs -.- no originals yet. =(
My advice would be to sit down as a band and ask yourselves where are we heading? You gotta have a direction 1st before you start writing originals. All it takes is for someone to say, hey guys, let's start doin originals!

Wad you could do, is, maybe cover 1 or 2 songs duirn a jam session. the rest of da time cud be used to work on ur originals, maybe, sum1 has a riff in mind, record it acoustically, den send to ur fellow mates, so, when you guys jam, u guys can finalize the song (doesn't include lyrics yet, if u guys can come up with lyrics it'll be gr8 too).

datz how i go about doin it in my band. hope it helps yea.
so u mean ur band is 2yrs old but only got serious 3-4 mths back??

well no rush man...write ur original...n tell ur band members abt it...u guys got to juz tok n interact up, go out together etc juz to gel up the band. get comfortable with each other as they will soon be the one that is very close to u...then try it out during 2 cover songs or sth n the rest of the time try out original...u guys got to have the same objectives n goals...shud not have conflict in interest...but this small things happen n normally it can be settle..

Beside this, i think wat is important is transparency..n the band shud be open to accept each other opinions n dislike..shud not keep to themselves n shud say it at the very moment and clear things out...the rest shud not be taking things to professional..

bottom line, u shud remember, a band is like a business. Businesses sets objectives, a band shud too...n then manage it juz like a business manager would manage his subordinates..try to be democratical so as everyone is involve n feel a sense of belonging for the band..get them motivated etc..and there shud not be one man lead, deligate the work to all..

well enough for now i think...too much said...juz my point of view dude..

see ya

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