h20 chorus echo...worth getting?


New member
hi gear softies out there

i recently checked out the h20 echo chorus at

if you wanted a chorus pedal, would you choose the h20 with the echo, or would you get another chorus pedal?? im asking cuz at the same time i was going for the ibanez delay machine, but stopped there when i checked out the echo on the h20. pretty neat for just a second of delay.

the h20 pedal is amazing, it has sweet sounding chorus with an underwater touch and also has delay on the fly. fattens distorted power chords, goes well with the route 66 overdrive etc etc etc....i can hardly see (or hear for that matter) any disadvantages with the pedal.

well, what do you guys think??

thanks :wink:
the chorus on te h20 is easy to dial in to get nice tones. i use it to sparkle up my cleans, or get something like what you hear on GNR's knocking of heaven's door.

i don't use that leslie underwater chorus sound much, but it does it pretty decently.

for me i more of a fan of the echo side
combine them both, i'll have a smile on my face :D
used one for the longest time... even before G77 brought them in... the chorus and delay are the best value for money ive ever tried.. super easy to get good sound..

prob is the switches tend to get wonky... esp if you kungfu stomp alot.. the power supply port is also quite fragile.. might get dented into the pedal easily. All easy fixes... but avoidable with proper care.

Just my 2cents.
I've said it before... and i'll say it agian. :P

I find 1 very big problem with the echo efx on the H2O and Ibanez DE7. Since echo is a combination of Delay and Reverb, you note, on the H2O, there is on control for the "reverb" part of the echo. As a result, if you find the echo too overbearing, or muddying up your playing, (which I did) then you have to turn down the level of the echo as a whole. Something I found... very... irritating.

Also, you CANNOT swap the order of the Effects. Why Echo to Chorus only? :P I never use that... Then what if you like to have... a compressor AFTER your chorus? If your H2O's echo is also on, then you have a compressor evening out your echo repeat levels?!?

The chorus section, its just too thick and stuff... Not for me... may be for you.

Finally, how much is the H20? $280? There's the Marshal Echohead @ $160, and you can easily grab some 2nd hand chorus. ;)
i sold my h20 cos 1) switch unreliable, but beez said the newer batch of vs pedals have better switch... 2) u cannot decrease the volume of chorus.. or the intensity, i find it abit too overwhelming. The echo is nice though
Yup...havin two in one is good but if either one is crap ...then its poo!!
Had a look at h20 design (pls dont ask me to talk futher) ... could have built better. I was puzzled at its reviews being so good but trying one out was a so so...
must try Arion for Chorus ..SCH1 or SCHZ
or any PT chip based Delay = cheaper that BBD ones and does the job.....SIB Mr. hint ...hint
my dad has an old friend who is a pcb board manufacturer. He owns the factory that manufactures pcbs. 8O

can ask him to print a few pieces for me. :lol:
Indigo_blues said:
my dad has an old friend who is a pcb board manufacturer. He owns the factory that manufactures pcbs. 8O

can ask him to print a few pieces for me. :lol:

its more work than you think it is... TRUST ME.
edder said:
its more work than you think it is... TRUST ME.

haha yeah i can imagine that. ahh, but my dad's retired and has nothing to do most days so i think it will relieve his boredom.. hehheh.. :lol: I showed him the website and he's more enthusiastic than me. :)
Indigo_blues said:
edder said:
its more work than you think it is... TRUST ME.

haha yeah i can imagine that. ahh, but my dad's retired and has nothing to do most days so i think it will relieve his boredom.. hehheh.. :lol: I showed him the website and he's more enthusiastic than me. :)

aahhh ...i like that...nothing like getting your dad doin stuff together 8)
hey ed !! ...pcb...local fab...probe ...probe ....
gsonique said:
Indigo_blues said:
edder said:
its more work than you think it is... TRUST ME.

haha yeah i can imagine that. ahh, but my dad's retired and has nothing to do most days so i think it will relieve his boredom.. hehheh.. :lol: I showed him the website and he's more enthusiastic than me. :)

aahhh ...i like that...nothing like getting your dad doin stuff together 8)
hey ed !! ...pcb...local fab...probe ...probe ....

exhorbitant prices... bleed bleed bleed. might as well do my own!
ShredCow said:
Also, you CANNOT swap the order of the Effects. Why Echo to Chorus only? :P I never use that... Then what if you like to have... a compressor AFTER your chorus? If your H2O's echo is also on, then you have a compressor evening out your echo repeat levels?!?

like.....isnt the chorus on the left and the echo on the right?? that would make it chorus to echo wouldnt it?

sorry if i sound nooby, but lets say that if i were to have a compressor (i dont really use one anyway), wouldnt it be in this order??

guitar>clean amp>compressor>h20>ds-1>other effects...

correct me if im wrong thanks

shredcow is just giving u his comments on the pedal la...

bottom line i suggest you try it out... and decide whether u like it anot...
theres no right or wrong way to place your pedals imho... if u like the sound... its correct.
ChanMin said:
shredcow is just giving u his comments on the pedal la...

bottom line i suggest you try it out... and decide whether u like it anot...
theres no right or wrong way to place your pedals imho... if u like the sound... its correct.

i have already tried it out at g77 the other day.....and i love it
Then you are pretty much decided no?

Though, I hope you note whatever points the rest of us have brought out. That will help you evaluate the pedal in different aspects.
for 280, h20 is pretty good. reliability problems aside, to me, its prob one of the best chorus/echo in one pedal. the only nicer chorus i;ve gotten my hands on wld be my CE2.

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