guitar to computer to tab

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A LOT of software can do this.
Most sequencer software can do this nowadays. Together with music notation type software like Finale, Sibelius too.
Might not give you 100% correct notation, but it works! :wink:
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Thanks for recommend man :P
so do this progs can tab down your guitar playing which is connected to your pc? cos i´m using guitar port.
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I think you need a some way to convert your guitar audio signal into midi cause these software usually listen to midi only.

or the other way is to get a midi guitar.
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There are a number of softwares that convert monophonic audio sounds into midi like Midifier ( You can do a search on "converting audio to midi". If you´re referring to converting audio into guitar tabs, I´m not sure if there is something like that. You may need a guitar-midi processor to convert your audio into midi (or get a midi guitar), then use Finale Guitar software which can automatically convert your played midi notes into tabs.
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I doubt there´s any software out there that can tab a guitarist´s playing "just like that". I don´t believe the "state of the art" is so advanced currently!

Even chords played on a MIDI keyboard can´t be displayed correctly many a-times!
I guess in most cases you´d have to tab your playing by clicking and dragging on the notation software.

I think your guitar intonation and your fretting muyst be damn accurate lah... if not get the roland guitar synth thingy as an interface.
I guess there might be a outlet for midi data, but i'm not sure, you can sure go check it out. it really sounds really cool
if ur using powertab u can import the midi file...and it will "auto tab" for u..
but u need to specify ur guitar tuning thats all...

the trick is to convert those wav or mp3 sample to midi...